As luck would have it

I wound up doing the Hash yesterday. I carried an umbrella but didn’t need it. I guess God loves the Hash because the intense rains that had been falling all day abruptly ceased right around our 2 p.m. start time. The Hare, Anal Receptive, had laid a trail in deference to the weather, primarily flat and, for the most part, paved. I opted for the 5K short version (the long was 8K) and only suffered from wet and muddy feet. Well, two inclines on the Govic Highway left me surprisingly winded. I don’t know what’s up with that. My blood oxygen has been in the high 90s, but there is no denying my age and obesity. And yes, I was the recipient of the traditional Hash cake. I’ve gotta say, that icy cold beer poured over my head made my heart race. That would be a hell of a way to die, wouldn’t it? Maybe next year.

The trail started at the Alta Vista Clubhouse, and we took the familiar back way out of the ‘hood. A good portion of the first half of the trail was the same route we took on Sunday’s Candy Walk.
Hashers will not be cowed!
Even by the horny ones
We pavement beats mud any day
Well, there’s wet and then there’s flooded
And we had our share of mud as well
The Govic Highway portion
Over Bridge #3
The muddy waters of the Matain River
Swan made a rare appearance at the Hash
Wet and wild
All in a day’s Hash
On-Home was at Smokes and Bottles
The Hash Gash
The Hashit
Hash cake for the birthday boys
The long and short of it
The after-Hash gathering at It Doesn’t Matter

So, the Hash turned out better than I thought it would. Lucky me.

In other news, I should be posting today from Angeles City but I’m not. Late in the afternoon yesterday, our power company, Zameco II, posted this:

So, that all day power interruption was postponed due to inclement weather. Ironic, isn’t it?

Anyway, the neighbors had made the plans and reservations in AC based on the assumption that their kids would not have school to attend on Wednesday. When that changed, they had no choice but to cancel the trip. And so it goes.

Facebook reminded me that five years ago I was enjoying my first visit to Saigon.

That seems like a Phucing Long time ago

Some of the internet forums I follow devolve into controversies, like which is better, Angeles City or Barretto. The same goes for the comparisons between the Philippines and Thailand. Everyone has their own preferences, and today’s YouTube video tells why the vlogger prefers life in the PI.

Here’s something to smile about:

Since I share both here at LTG, am I foolishly wise or wisely foolish?
Welcome to the party, son.
Well, that’s a new wrinkle…

Another rainy day here to deal with; we’ll see what’s happening when beer o’clock rolls around. Hasta la vista for now.

5 thoughts on “As luck would have it

  1. A wet-but-fun Hash. Nice. I hope not too many shoes and boots got pulled off by the mud!

    You don’t look very happy in that cake picture.

    Should I be sorry or glad that the brownout got canceled? At least you don’t have any little kids to affect your own schedule.

    That dude with the Hashit needs to be reminded: the beer goes in you or on you! None of this spill-it-on-the-ground nonsense!

    Walk on.

  2. John, I am impressed. Even getting dumped on with cake ingredients, you still seem to have a good grip on your beer! LOL

    (I assume you have a chance to clean up before the after hash? Though I suppose for some people, that would be a feeble attempt at a pick up line to one of the GRO’s – “Would anybody like a piece of cake?”)

    Re: the video. Never having been to the PI, I can’t really comment on which is better. But the vlogger mentions that if you want to smoke marijuana, come to the Philippines. His info is a bit out of date. About 1-2 years ago, Thailand went from super strict anti-marijuana laws to 100% acceptance. There are public (not medicinal) Mary Jane shops almost on every corner now. Really surprised me when this happened. It is just crazy.

    Based on your experiences with bar girls in the PI, I am not sure that the Philippines is any different than Thailand (or any other SE Asian country). LOL

  3. EDIT: May have misunderstood him as I was watching the video at higher speed. I think he said that if you want to smoke, go to Thailand. My bad.

    PS. Seems like you something going on with your comments. Mine keep getting rejected and I have to resubmit and resubmit.

  4. Brian, I rinsed off and changed my shirt before going to IDM, but when I got home, my hair felt like it was full of glue.

    I was a vaper the first time I visited Thailand. I had no clue it was illegal there. I’m standing on the sidewalk at a busy intersection in Bangkok, waiting for the light to change. A foreigner approaches me and says, “Dude, you can’t do that here; you’re in trouble if the cops see you.” It seems ironic that the next time I was in Thailand, pot was legal, and stores selling it were on almost every corner. As far as I know, you still can’t vape there, but I quit that habit years ago.

    The biggest difference between Thai girls and Filipinas is the language barrier. The English ability here is somewhat better, so it makes it easier for the girls to tell you lies. 🙂 The best conversation I had with a bargirl in Pattaya on my last trip was via Google Translate.

  5. Kev, the worst part is having an ice cold beverage poured over your head. It’s almost painful. I’m pretty sure that is what is happening in that photo.

    Honestly, I wasn’t that excited about the Angeles trip. I’d much rather hang out at the beach somewhere. Being with the group and having a free ride were the incentives, but the change of plans didn’t bother me.

    Drinking out of a toilet bowl plunger is harder than it looks! Still, with a Hash name of Auto Fellatio he should have done better.

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