Are you bored?

“You can appreciate Schubert if you train yourself. I was the same way when I first listened to him—it bored me silly. It’s only natural for someone your age. In time you’ll appreciate it. People soon get tired of things that aren’t boring, but not of what is boring. Go figure. For me, I might have the leisure to be bored, but not to grow tired of something. Most people can’t distinguish between the two.”

— Haruki Murakami

If you are visiting LTG on a regular basis then chances are you are indeed bored out of your mind. And if you are not bored now you likely will be after reading this post. I’m only half-kidding when I say that people like my blog because it makes them feel better about their own lives.

Anyway, Althouse was blogging about boredom today. She included a link to a long and boring Wikipedia article on boredom. There is also this quiz you can take to discover how easily you get bored. My result was that I have an average propensity to become bored. So nothing to get excited about I suppose.

I’ve been retired now going on one year. Do I find my life boring? Surprisingly, and notwithstanding the drivel I post here, for the most part no, I do not. I have my daily routines and rituals and they pass the time, however comfortably and well*. I wake each morning at 0600, spend some time on the internets, walk the dogs, have breakfast, walk myself, take a nap, try to blog here, take another walk, shower, drink beer/throw darts, then sleep around 10 p.m. Every fucking day of my life. Well, sometimes I’ll travel and do the above in a new location. And I am plotting some international travel in the coming months.

Is that enough? For now it has to be. Could it be better? Hell yes! For example, I’d love to have someone to love and share my life with. But I’m not really able to open myself up to the pain and disappointment that potentially comes with the love thing just yet. As I often remind myself, there are worse things than being alone

This pretty much captures how I feel.

Had a brief and drunken text chat with the last woman I loved yesterday. She told me she has chosen to be happy in life and that “happiness is within”. Well, if that works for her I’m glad. But it smells like bullshit to me. Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy. I am content with this life I have chosen. I have all I need to live comfortably and worry-free. Living here is a daily reminder that my first world problems truly are meaningless.

I’m not dead inside quite yet. And I hope to keep it that way!

I can’t control what the people around me do or how they choose to live their life. What I can control is who I let into MY life. Unfortunately, I’ve demonstrated an amazing inability to judge the true nature of another person’s character. So I’m often disappointed and frequently taken advantage of by so-called friends. I know who I am and what is in my heart and I’ll continue to live my life in a manner that in some small way might make a difference. I’ll do unto others not as they’ve done unto me. I’m bound to have some good Karma coming my way eventually.

Man oh man, talk about going off on a tangent. Bored yet?

Let’s get back on track. Facebook reminded me that two years ago I was meeting the U.S. Ambassador to Korea.

And giving the clenched fist salute My Way!

I enjoyed my working life and the intellectual stimulation it provided. Now I have 8+ more hours to fill each day and for the most part I spend them alone. Or with other drunk expats. But although I’m not often mentally challenged, I think I’m staying engaged on some level. The hours I spend hiking are also hours I spend thinking. Or listening to music. Sometimes both at the same time! Nothing boring about that.

Today’s hike. That bow-tie looking thing is where I was searching for that extra kilometer to add to my upcoming Hash trail. I’ve got a small addition on the back now. Perhaps I can add a bit more towards the front. I’ve still got a month to work it out.
And in the meantime I’ll still make time to stop and smell the flowers.

I’m a lucky bastard with too much time on his hands.

Sitting on this barstool talking like a damn fool
Got the twelve o’clock news blues
And I’ve given up hope for the afternoon soaps
And a bottle of cold brew
Is it any wonder I’m not crazy? Is it any wonder I’m sane at all
Well I’m so tired of losing- I got nothing to do and all day to do it
I go out cruisin’ but I’ve no place to go and all night to get there
Is it any wonder I’m not a criminal?
Is it any wonder I’m not in jail?
Is it any wonder I’ve got

Too much time on my hands?
It’s ticking away with my sanity
I’ve got too much time on my hands
It’s hard to believe such a calamity
I’ve got too much time on my hands
And it’s ticking away, ticking away from me
Too much time on my hands
(It’s t-t-t-t-ticking away)
Too much time on my hands
(And I don’t know what to do with myself)
Too much time on my hands

*when I wrote “however comfortably and well” it felt like something I had read somewhere, maybe in a Hemingway short story. I googled it and came up with nothing. If it’s plagiarism it’s unintentional…

2 thoughts on “Are you bored?

  1. Seems to me you’re living a good life—one that involves being compassionate to animals and children, as well as one that involves self-improvement through involvement with a group (the Hashers) whose purpose is not merely the cultivation of camaraderie but also the discovery of new paths and new vistas. (Not to mention your involvement with other walking/hiking/running groups.) If you do ever get bored, I imagine you’ll turn your talents and attentions toward other activities. Maybe you’ll build an extension to your house and turn that room into your atelier—a place to do paintings or sculptures or God knows what else. And with your level of introspection, I’d say you’re doing your best to live life deeply, avoiding what Plato called “the unexamined life.” I still think the solution to your female-companion problems lies outside of the bar culture, but I realize it may be hard for the tiger to change its stripes.

    All in all, though, I’d agree you’re doing quite well. I hope that, when I eventually retire from my own zigzag, itinerant life, I can be half as good as you at finding things to motivate me and give me meaning. You’ve succeeded at keeping your life an adventure, and that’s what matters most. I’m certainly not bored when I read your blog entries.

    Side note: ever thought about taking online courses in things like video editing? You could construct a modest studio and, with your impressive radio voice, make videos with some kick-ass voiceover narration on topics of interest to you (your son Kevin could lend his media savvy and help you figure out how to do this!). Combine your voice with cell-phone video to create documentaries about life in the Philippines, or political rants, or whatever suits your fancy. Jump on the YouTube train! How awesome would that be?

  2. I always appreciate your insightful comments, Kevin. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Yeah, it’s true that I’m often my own worst critic. But I’ve also noticed myself rather frequently saying “I’m glad I’m not him!” as I observe my fellow expats. I’m living this life pretty much on my own terms, for better or worse.

    ” I still think the solution to your female-companion problems lies outside of the bar culture, but I realize it may be hard for the tiger to change its stripes.”

    HaHa! I prefer to think of it as looking for a needle in a haystack. It’s GOT to be in there somewhere! But seriously, I haven’t really be looking at all. I guess I’d rather moan about being alone than moan about getting hurt again. I’m keeping an open mind though!

    Hmm, I might enjoy making some videos. I know a couple of guys here who do. We’ll see.

    Thanks again for taking the time to share your words of wisdom.

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