Any which way

A good reminder yesterday that sometimes taking a chance and changing things up can result in a pleasant experience. The group hike with the Wednesday Walkers provided that opportunity, and we took it.

Four of us met up at our usual gathering spot, the 7/11 on Baloy Road. We discussed various possibilities of where to hike, and the consensus was to get out of town. Gary (a non-Hasher) suggested we do Kalaklan Ridge, but having just hiked it on Monday, I wasn’t ready for a repeat. So, we agreed to take a Jeepney ride to Subic town and do the Philseco Road loop back to the marketplace. Steve wanted to take a detour into the hills, but without an experienced guide with us, I was not confident we would find our way up there. Ultimately, we just headed up the road on the usual route.

Offloading the Jeepney in Subic town.
My fellow travelers, (L-R) Erik, Gary, and Steve.
Let the adventure begin! Heading up Philseco Road.
This is technically a storage lot for recycled garbage. It’s not fenced or organized, and it just looks trashy. Still, I guess it is good to have it all in one place instead of being scattered about town as litter.
For a road walk, this one has some nice scenery. The wide shoulders are nice as well.
Feeling a little creeky

And then we came upon this narrow passageway:

I must have walked past it a dozen times and never paid it notice.

Someone said I wonder where that leads? Steve responded we should find out. I was the negative Nellie, saying it’s probably a dead end and we’ll have to retreat back. Steve answered, so what? Let’s go for it. I shrugged and said, alright, but I was fully prepared to offer my “I told you so” if it ended badly. It didn’t. I was surprised that it led us past several shanty houses, before turning into a dirt trail through some nice countryside. Best of all, that trail eventually led us back to the road that was our original destination. And it turned out to be a shortcut that was much more pleasant than a street walk. This is the way I’ll be going when I pass by here in the future.

On our pathway through shanty town.
On our dirt path
I like the views and the vibes.
A tranquil pond
Back on the pavement, but there were still nice views to be seen.
Then down another narrow passage–one we’ve taken before and was part of our original plan.
A gathering of goats.
A water crossing
Life on the waterside.
Alley thugs?
Another pond.
Stuck in the middle with you.
Filipino graffiti
Can you make that out? “I love you John Mark” is what it says. This is the second time I’ve encountered that message on one of my hikes. It’s nice to have a secret admirer.
I see dead people.
Well, we ain’t finished yet. Yesterday’s hike was a good reminder to enjoy life and its challenges while you can.
Only about 5.5 kilometers, but a pleasant walk on a hot day.

Lunch, a nap, a blog post, and a shower. And then you know what time it was.

That’s right, beer o’clock!
I attended to the Wednesday Hideaway feeding to start things off.

When Swan messaged that she was ready to come out, I suggested we meet at Oasis. I hadn’t been there for a while and thought I might try out their menu for the first time. When Swan arrived, I ordered her drink of choice, a glass of red wine. The waitress came back and advised that they were out of red wine. How does that happen? If you sell enough wine to empty the bottle, you should keep sufficient quantities in stock. The waitress responded, “I’m sorry, I’m just the waitress.” Yeah, I wasn’t blaming her. I know the manager and said I’d take it up with him. Anyway, if I’m running a bar, I’m sending someone across the street to buy a bottle of wine rather than disappoint a customer who was prepared to drop coin on food and beverages for an hour or two. Swan was willing to have a cocktail instead, but I said let’s just go somewhere else, paid for my beer, and left.

Next stop, Sloppy Joe’s. It was good to see Chris and Shay again. Chris was doing the DJ thing, so I had him play a couple of my favorite Traffic songs–a Traffic jam if you will.

I always sit streetside, but there was a decent crowd inside for a Wednesday evening.
Me and my girl at Sloppy’s. Sorry about the fake smile; she always insists.

We popped into Green Room for a drink, and I let my regular waitress talk me into a game of pool. She kicked my ass, of course, so I bought her a drink. Then, we headed next door to Wet Spot to finish our night on the town. We finally got to eat when the Sit-n-Bull waitress came by. I had a roast beef dip, and Swan went with buffalo wings. And yes, Aine was there to share in the bounty. It was a good night out.

It was another beautiful morning for a dog walk.
I’m sure it is the highlight of the day for my boys.

Swan joined me for my morning hike today, and she handled the 7K jaunt as well as I did. She may have even enjoyed herself. I’ll post some photos of that event tomorrow.

Science has been in the news of late, what with more details of the lies and incompetence during the scamdemic coming to light and the whole global warming/climate change religion being shown to be based on data that doesn’t exist. The science is never settled, and Facebook memories showed me a meme I’d posted back in 2020 that still rings true today:

When the people who say we are in a climate emergency start parking their private jets, maybe I’ll be more inclined to listen to what they have to say.

And my buddy Kevin Kim has seen fit to share a pun on his blog and tag me, so let me slap it up here for your amusement as well.

Good one!

And here’s today’s Star Trek pun:

Hmm, that might be a little flat.

That’s all for now, folks. Hope to see you here again tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Any which way

  1. All of your walks seem pretty nice, but this one seemed nicer than usual.

    Someone said I wonder where that leads?

    You’re just doing that to yank my chain.

    I see dead people.

    I’ve long wondered what’s up with all the icy dead people in a hot country.

    The first half of the hike, your photos showed, by implication, that you were ahead of the group. In the latter half, though, you were behind. What happened?

    Sorry about the fake smile; she always insists.

    I prefer the fake smile to that weird, puffy-lipped thing you do.

    All in all, a nice walk. Too bad about the wine. Maybe next time.

  2. I wonder how that happened. I guess old habits die hard, but probably what threw me was that it wasn’t a case of “I wonder” but of someone else wondering. I can see now that it makes no difference. I wonder: will I make that mistake again? Hopefully not.

    Yeah, I changed position frequently throughout the hike. Mostly because I’d pause to take a photo (or a piss). Speed-wise, we all march at about the same pace.

    Got it–straight face or pursed lips from now on!

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