Another small town Saturday night

It didn’t work

Alcohol called, and I answered. I hadn’t been to Cheap Charlies in a while, so I made that my first stop. I was surprised it wasn’t busier, but it was still early (a little after 4 p.m.).

My crew was waiting; ready, willing, and able to make me feel special

So, I ordered up drinks for all of us and enjoyed the views.

Kalaklan ridge
The highway to Subic
And Narissa’s sweet legs

Feeling overly generous, I treated “my” girls to some supper:

It was good.
You can almost see the satisfaction on all of our faces

Anyway, I enjoyed treating the girls. Narissa messaged me today and asked if I’d like to join her in exploring some nearby historic sites, and I heartily answered affirmatively. I’ve wanted to see Bataan since I moved here, and now I have no excuse not to do so.

After Cheap Charlies, I visited It Doesn’t Matter and shared some drinks with the lovely Juliet. Then I finished my night with a couple more at Wet Spot. My former favorite there thought she was ignoring me, but she didn’t realize that after her rude behavior on my previous visit, I had no desire to be in her presence. So, do me a favor and keep on rejecting me, bitch.

A rough night last night with the breathing; I had to get up a couple of times to nebulize.

But I lived to enjoy another beautiful morning.
So, I celebrated by baking up a batch of blueberry muffins

Facebook memories reminded me of a time in my working life when I was appointed Acting Director, Human Resources for the Roanoke, VA Management Sectional Center of the United States Postal Service.

Circa 1988.

I’m going to visit Dr. Jo this afternoon. This time about my eyes. They’ve been dry and itchy and oozing some white goop. I’ll also let her know my sinuses haven’t improved since my last visit, and my lungs have worsened. I’m not confident there’s a fix for that, though.

I’m posting a Hal Ketchum song I like called “Small Town Saturday Night,” and when I did the search, I was surprised to discover he died in 2020. At age 67. Scary shit. Rest in Peace, Hal, and thank you for some great songs.

Because I’ve been away the past two weekends, today was my first Sunday weigh-in since February 5. Sadly, I’ve gained 0.8 pounds since then, putting me at 219.4. That’s down 5.9 pounds since January 1. Time to reign in those cheating excuses, I reckon.

4 thoughts on “Another small town Saturday night

  1. Lung stuff is getting kind of scary.

    I wouldn’t worry about a 0.8-pound weight gain. Skip a meal or two, and you’ll be back down to where you want to be.

    Good luck getting treated for your eye goop. I get the occasional eye infection, and this last time around (sometime last year), the doc prescribed some seriously strong eye drops that proved helpful.

    Nice blueberry muffins.

  2. Hope the doctor visit goes well.

    Second with @Kevin on the blueberry muffins. My favorite!!

    Any idea if the bars in your area are more late night hangouts or early evening hangouts? I realize that you are an “early to bed, early to rise” person, but wondering any of the bars personalities change the later the evening goes. TBH, the times you have stayed out late, I am not sure I trust your reporting judgment at that point in the evening! LOL

  3. No first-hand experience with the happenings in the late-night venues, and I’m sure I wouldn’t remember if I did. Quite a few places stay open until 3 a.m. and some even later, like Sloppy Joe’s. I can only speculate that the late-night crowd and desperate/thirsty bargirls might be an exciting combination.

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