Another Saturday night

Started out like normal (or as normal as it gets for me), and finished in an atypical fashion. Not in a bad way though.

As seen from my balcony, it appears that burning season is upon us once more.
And the morning dog walk revealed that construction on another new house is going at an impressive pace. Once again, though, I’m shocked that people would build right up against the neighbor’s fence. In this case, TWO neighbors. Especially with all the open space available.

Did a boring street walk in the morning and a similarly boring afternoon walk in the neighborhood. Achieved my step goal though, so there’s that. A commenter on yesterday’s post mentioned how the flat land of San Antonio looked like a Texas prairie, but the mountains in the distance resembled a New Mexico landscape. I thought that was an apt description and wondered if there was a Santa Fe nearby. And sure enough:

Of course, Texas, Mexico (old and new), and the Philippines were all ruled by Spain for hundreds of years, so it makes sense you’d find similar names in all those places.

I headed out for darts at Alley Cats at the appointed time. Was surprised to find the place almost deserted with a tournament imminent. Turns out there was a competing tourney at Lagoon on Baloy beach and a lot of the players and staff went there to play. It hurt my feelings a tad that no one informed me about the Lagoon event, although honestly, I doubt I would have played regardless. There were three waitresses present–one was playing darts with a customer, one was keeping score in that game, and the third seemed to be intentionally avoiding me. Yeah, I do flirt with her some, but that goes with the job. Anyway, my initial beer was empty and she never came around to offer another. After several minutes my patience was exhausted, and when I finally got her attention, I just paid my tab and departed. I was not a happy customer.

So, I didn’t get my darts workout to keep me in shape.

I headed up the highway to Cheap Charlies to drown my irritation. Three beers seemed to do the trick. Still, I just wasn’t feeling like hanging out in the bar, even though it was Saturday night. My downstairs neighbor, well, technically her daughter who stays with her, was celebrating her 27th birthday. I figured there would be a party going on, so I invited myself. Stopped in at the 7/11 and picked up a bottle of Emperador rum, the Filipino alcoholic beverage of choice, and headed home. I was surprised that no festivities were taking place, but when I handed over the rum, a small party did break out–mama, daughter, me, and the daughter’s boyfriend. Damn it!

That would be Geraldine, aka Inday. She may look familiar because she has attended a couple of Hash runs recently.
I baked up a batch of cupcakes and one of my helpers deep-fried some chicken nuggets and calamari.

Despite living here for going on three years, I have very rarely partied with Filipinos. One thing that is kind of unique is that they share one glass for the rum and lemon juice drink. Pass it around and take turns. Seems like an odd concept, especially during a pandemic, but who am I to judge? I stuck with beer of course. Anyway, Inday seemed to appreciate the gesture and it was a nice change of pace from my usual nights out.

Once the full moon had risen, it was my bedtime so I said my goodnights and headed upstairs.

Did my morning walk on Baloy beach. The resort hotels were swamped once again, at least judging by the parking lots. On the plus side, I’m glad to see at least this sector of the economy thriving again. It’s all the more impressive because the crowds are almost exclusively Filipino. The downside is that some of my favorite places are too busy on the weekends for my taste. I didn’t have breakfast at Treasure Island because I figured it would be crowded. When I did my walk-by that feeling was confirmed.

Even in the “good ol’ days”, I don’t remember seeing this many people enjoying the beach.
Filipino families were also filling the nipa huts that line the beachfront.

I have a lunch “date” this afternoon. I’ll report on how that goes tomorrow.

Her name is Maria, so I reckon I’m safe.

And life goes on here in paradise.

1 thought on “Another Saturday night

  1. Well, good luck with tomorrow’s date. Happy Birthday to Geraldine/Inday. Three cheers to the PI’s economy, which I hope is starting to see a glimmer of recovery.

    Walk on!

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