Another happy ending

That makes two in one day! Not bad for an old fart like me. The pleasure I got from the second one was of a different nature than the first–it was the joy that comes from taking an unexpected first-place finish in a darts tournament. Don’t ask me which one I liked best, it’s apples and oranges. I will say that winning money is more fun than spending money, although what you get for your money can certainly put a smile on your face.

Anyway, I was paired up with Jocelyn as my partner in the tourney. She’s a solid player, but we had some real tough competition to face. Going in, I figured Billy and Espie was the team to beat and that’s the way it turned out. Surprisingly, we dropped them into the loser’s bracket winning two straight legs (501 and cricket). They came back to face us in the finals and returned the favor with a 2-0 victory in the first round, setting up the decisive final match. They won the 501 leg and we took the cricket leg. We did a coinflip to determine the third leg, they won, and chose 501. That proved to be a mistake as we hit some big darts for an early lead. My partner left me a 12 out (double 6) and I hit it on my first shot for the victory.

We didn’t throw our best darts last night, but we synched up pretty well–I’d throw poorly and Jo would pick me up, and vice-versa.

It’s always more satisfying somehow when you don’t expect to win but somehow manage to pull it off. All our matches were hard-fought and close, so it felt especially good to finish the night on top.

I’ll be taking the night off from darts tonight, having made the decision to limit myself to Tuesdays and Fridays. It’s only fair that I give other folks a chance to win. *ahem* Instead, I baked up a batch of brownies to share with the brown knees at It Doesn’t Matter.

This will be a first-time experience for the IDM crew. Hope they taste as good as they look. The brownies I mean.

A few minutes ago I stepped out on the balcony to see what I could see…

…and this is what I saw.

There are things I like about the new place, and this view is one of them. Also, some things I don’t much care for, like the long uphill walk to get here, and it not being as dog-friendly as the old place. We are adjusting though. When the lease expires next year I’ll weigh my options, but will most likely remain where I am.

I guess I ought to finish this post with something happy. How about what you see under a young woman’s skirt?

What were you expecting to see?

Actually, that photo popped up in my Facebook memories from like six years ago. I didn’t take it and I likely posted it here at LTG back then. Still funny though, at least to my warped and somewhat perverted way of thinking. Almost all the bargirls here wear what I call “liar skirts”–sexy miniskirts with SHORTS underneath. I guess they don’t want to show off their kitten.

I know you are, Kevin. I’m doing my best!

5 thoughts on “Another happy ending

  1. I never know if i should call it a kitty or a beaver. it’s not easy being vulgar. Peace Out!

  2. In Tagalog it’s a “pek pek”. My problem is when ordering the Filipino delicacy crispy pada I invariably ask for crispy pek pek. So far, the waitress has always laughed…

  3. For the record, i like my crispy pek pek without the marinara sauce. Peace out!

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