And they all lived happily ever after…

Well, I guess that remains to be seen but there was at least a happy ending to the drama I posted about yesterday. The landlord apologized to the downstairs widow and rehired her. I’m glad she came to her senses and I expect the widow will have learned a lesson about respecting private property and controlling her adult offspring.

Speaking of the children, here’s an unexpected epilog to the story. During the drinking session with the daughter and her boyfriend the other night she mentioned she was hoping to find a job. I must have been drunk because I don’t really remember telling her that the owner of Hunter’s Jo Inn was looking to hire staff. Well, what I said was that Hunter Jo’s was going to be the On-Home for Monday’s Hash and if she wanted to join us I would introduce her to the owner. My group of Hashers met me at the house and as was were preparing to head out, guess who said she was coming along? I was actually surprised because as I said, I forgot I invited her.

Meet Endai, our newest Hasher.

She did the trail without complaint, got deflowered successfully during the Hash virgin ritual, interviewed with the owner’s wife, and was given a job offer on the spot. She accepted and starts today.

As for the Hash, it went well too. As I mentioned, my group of like-minded individuals (we leave when we want, walk slow, and shortcut at will) left my place at 2:00, and then we met up with Scott on the My Bitch trail at a location we call “the old man’s house”. That was where we picked up the official Hash trail as laid by the Hare, Leech My Nuggets.

Leech always does a good job, especially with marking the trail. That was a good thing yesterday because 30 minutes prior to starting we had a heavy rain shower. That caused a lot of the powder and chalk to fade, but there was also shredded paper and strings to follow. An interesting trail as well, parts of which I had never done before. I especially enjoyed that. And as is my wont, I bypassed the last hill climb and opted to walk the rest of the way to our On-Home via the highway.

What remains of the Old Man’s House. When I first started hiking on My Bitch it was still occupied by a solitary and sad looking old man. He died a couple of years ago now and little by little his house has been scavenged. Oh well, he doesn’t need it anymore and perhaps it has provided a roof over someone else’s head.
Heading out on the official trail.
This section was new to me. Had no idea someone was living way out here in the middle of nowhere.
Come on up here, Pubic Head, the weather is fine. Actually, this part was muddy and slippery.
A stroll through the woods.
And it is always kinda cool when a new trail leads you to a place you recognize. Walked by here many times before on my way to Marian Hills. Never knew there was another way to go…
Well, here we go over the river and we’ve been through the woods–grandma’s house must be next!
I’m A Flaming Asshole.
We crossed this rice paddy and managed to keep our feet dry…
And we all passed safely over this rickety bridge.
Heading On-Home through the backstreets of Calapacuan…
And here we are at Hunter’s Jo Inn…
…featuring bay views like this one.

And so concluded a good day on trail. I’m pretty sure next week’s trail will be the best one ever. These three guys are going to Hare:

AKA The Three Stooges…

But wait, before I go I have this:

Or the proctologist…?

And just a dash of political humor:

That’ll be it for today’s post.

3 thoughts on “And they all lived happily ever after…

  1. I’m still trying to figure out what a “hunter’s Jo” is. In Korean, a “jo” is a bird.

    Tajo = ostrich
    Chil-myeon-jo = turkey (lit., “seven-faced bird”)

    At least the landlord (landlady?) soap opera turned out well, and the other young lady ended up with paying work, although I hope it’s not the kind of work that’ll make her boyfriend jealous.

  2. Well, the owner of Hunter’s Jo is named Mark Hunter. His wife’s name is Jo. So I guess he named his business after her. 🙂

    Yeah, I need to get used to saying “landlady” I guess. Hunter’s Jo is not “that kind” of place…more of a hotel with a bar/restaurant. I understand Endai will be doing housekeeping duties. Nothing to get jealous about…

  3. Good to hear that it all ended well.

    You definitely earned some good karma points! Who knows how they will be repaid in the future. 🙂

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