An Ernest feeling

A comment on yesterday’s post really triggered some memories. Nate’s remark was simply, “A Clean Well-Lighted Pace.” That’s a short short story by Ernest Hemingway. About a five-minute read, so check out the link if you haven’t read it before. The irony of Nate thinking about that story when reading my post isn’t lost on me. I had to write a paper on that story in a college literature course sometime last century, and I found it moving even as a young man. And now, here I am in old age, practically living it.

And the coincidences continue. I did a quick search of my blog archives and saw I had written a post back in 2006 entitled “A clean well-lighted place.” That one was about a pretty wild night out on the town early in my Itaewon life. It brought back a flood of memories of long-gone friends. I am happy to report that one of the “stars” of that post, June, has been happily married to an American Air Force NCO and is the mother of a sweet daughter. How’s that for a happy ending?

Back here in present times, I took a break from the SOB last night and instead hung out in my version of a clean, well-lighted place–Cheap Charlies. But unlike the Hemingway character, I wasn’t sitting alone.

Although Hemingway did feature two waiters in his story. I continue to be impressed while conversing with Nerissa (on the left). Jane is happy just to give me a back rub while we share drinks.

Something also happened in the bar last night that is very rarely seen. A big spender rang the bell. Okay, that happens pretty frequently, but a bell ring usually just provides a drink for the working girls. This guy bought drinks for everyone in the house! No idea how much that act set him back, but he is definitely not a cheap Charlie! He also provided some entertainment with a nifty trick he did with the lady drinks:

The shots lined up on the drink glasses. Then he knocked the first one in, and the rest fell like dominos all the way down the line. Very impressive!

I had such a good time that I just stayed at Cheap Charlies and didn’t do my usual bar crawl, although I did stop for a nightcap at Whiskey Girl on the way home.

That was my night; my morning was equally pleasant, featuring a hike with the Friday group.

We took an infrequently used route for the climb up, then hiked the familiar My Bitch route, but found a little-used and interesting path back down to Rizal Extension. A little over 6K all in.
Da’ group
The start of the first climb
Up we go!
A resting spot at the halfway-up point
Taking in the view
Said view
A little further up
Hello again, Easter mountain
Up top
Looking down on Barretto. Estimated elevation above sea level. 12.7 meters (41.7 feet) Barreto is a barangay in the city of Olongapo. Its population, as determined by the 2020 Census, was 21,794. This represented 8.37% of the total population of Olongapo.
Those houses in the foreground are in Alta Vista
Wide open spaces
The kids here call cookies “biscuits.”
My mountain friend Olivia with her grandkids
Trekking onward
Those houses front Rizal Extension
Another shady rest spot. I’m unsure who builds these up here or why, but thank you!
And everyone survived the hike!

I’d say my life here is better than nothing!

What did he fear? It was not a fear or dread, It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada.

4 thoughts on “An Ernest feeling

  1. As nothings go, it’s a good life. Good enough.

    (The Dark Knight Returns reference: graphic novel by Frank Miller from about 1986)

  2. Kind of funny, but it appears that your old website which was stolen from you (johnmccrarey (dot) com) is now a site advertising Chinese porn sites. LOL

    I clicked on the link in this post to the old 2006 post and there was a hyperlink in there to an older post. Well, that hyperlink took me to the above mentioned site. LOL

    I am wondering if any of the folks you meet type johnmcrarey (dot) com to look you up. Imagine their surprise.

  3. Brian, Wow! I hadn’t even thought of that old domain for years. Glad to see my name is being used for a worthy purpose. I wonder if anyone looking for Chinese porn ever accidentally winds up here at LTG. Imagine their disappointment!

    I went back and updated the link. Thanks for the heads up!

  4. Kev, I like that quote too, and it’s an apt description of the life devoid of meaning or substance that I’m living. It’s good enough for me!

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