An encounter with Lucifer

I’m not calling yesterday’s Hare, Leech My Nuggets, the Devil or anything, but it was hot and hellish on the Hash trail yesterday. Or at least the half of it I did was. Still got in a tad over 7K, including the walk from my place. I’ll put up the photos from the hike at the end of this post.

So, Angie (the gal I recently met at Queen Victoria) brought her friend Rose along to join us on the Hash trail. They arrived at my place a little after 11:00 a.m. and I had my helper fry up some chicken wings for our lunch (I heated some broccoli for our side dish). With lunch out of the way, there was still an hour to kill before it was time to head out for the Hash. It had been months since I’d turned on my TV, but I wanted to keep my guests entertained, so I started scrolling through the offerings on Netflix. I admit some of the shows looked interesting and I also noticed the new season of Manifest is available. I guess the fact that I’ve not felt compelled to continue where I left off last year is a review of sorts. Anyway, Rose said she liked scary shows, so we clicked on a series called Lucifer.

I’d never even heard of this show, but it ran for six seasons (three on Fox and three more on Netflix. I found the first episode of season one very entertaining and enjoyable, enough so that I’m thinking about squeezing an hour or two into my daily routine to put that Netflix subscription I’m paying for to use. Stay tuned.

Heading out for the Hash with Angie (on the left) and her pal Rose
Yesterday’s trail. The green line is the shortcut the “sane” group took
Gathering up at the starting point
And we are On-On!
The trail featured a hellacious climb near the start
The hill was like an Eveready battery, it just kept going, and going, and going…
Are we there yet?

A rest break near the top
And then continuing the quest
Eventually, things flattened out some
Leech’s trail continued up to the top of Kalaklan ridge near that tower, but the “sane” among us said “fuck that” and took our shortcut
Cookies and candy for the kids that live up here. I’m only out this way once every three months or so, but damn, they seem to know when I’m coming. Hearing them squeal when they spot me does fill my heart with joy.
Time to make our way back down
The downs, at least for me, can be every bit as difficult as the ups. Thankfully, this trek wasn’t so bad.
Heading back to town
On-Home this week was at Johansson’s. Rose was a Hasher in Angeles several years ago and has a Hash name, Morning Dew. This was Angie’s third Hash, and first in a long time. They both professed to have a good time and say they want to come back again.
Both of my guests forgot that if you complement the Hash trail you have to join the Hare on the ice. Rose had to sit again later because as a named Hasher she is required to wear Hash attire.
You might say this image captures the essence of the Hash Circle spirit
This would be the PG version

Anyway, it was a good day on trail overall. My guests drank enough to make the 300 pesos entrance fee a bargain (especially since I paid). Oh, and I just remembered this incident. Someone (we didn’t see who) had dropped a 500 peso bill just outside the front door at Johansson’s. Angie rushed out to pick it up, and when she sat down she exclaimed, “Now I can buy milk for my baby.” I was thinking whoever dropped the money would likely be looking for it, and I was curious to see what Angie would do. Sure enough, a gal was walking around near the door and I asked her what was she looking for. “I dropped my 500 pesos somewhere.” Angie immediately said, “I found it” and returned the money. Good for her. I gave her 1000 pesos and said you can now buy twice as much milk for being honest. Oh, and later on I put the money dropper on the ice for “littering.” Heh.

Rose and Angie were still finishing their beers when I told them goodnight and headed out. I was hungry (I’d bought them something to eat earlier) and had a hankering for my favorite from Mangos:

Yep, I’m talking about the grilled pork chops. I was not disappointed.

Did my nightcap at Sloppy Joe’s just across the highway. Only one other customer and the waitress said the Hashers had all gone to It Doesn’t Matter. Yeah, I figured but I wasn’t wanting to walk that far. Had my beer and caught a trike for home.

Speaking of It Doesn’t Matter, looks like I’ll be spending Sunday afternoon there this week:

We raised a glass for him at the Hash as well. Bob’s Hash name is Ride It Up My Ass. It was funnier when he was alive.

I’m going to visit Dr. Jo this afternoon to discuss some issues I’m having with my left knee and leg. No pain, but occasionally numb and tingly. I was in a walk-it-off mode yesterday morning, at least until my knee collapsed and I found myself sprawled on the ground. I was worried about doing the Hash but had no issues on the hike. This morning at the grocery store, it went tingly again. Makes me nervous that the knee might give out at the wrong time and place and I’ll be in deep doo-doo. My internet sleuthing didn’t turn up anything consistent with my symptoms, so we’ll see what the good doctor has to say.

Sees ya all tomorrey then. (Yeah, it’s probably brain damage)

10 thoughts on “An encounter with Lucifer

  1. Enjoyed the read. Picture of you starting downhill reminds me of me. The slightest downhill slope scares the crap out of me.

  2. Heading out for the Hash with Angie (on the left) and her pal Rose

    Damn, Angie’s got that low-slung, sturdy-looking trucker’s butt!

    You might say this image captures the essence of the Hash Circle spirit

    Yeah, that’s a pretty horrific tableau. Especially that ass crack, which will now haunt my dreams.

    re: knee problem

    You can probably rule out a stroke because a stroke would give you persistent neurological problems, and your knee symptoms sound as if they come and go. Could simply be one of those “the machine is breaking down a little” moments. I suspect it’s nothing major to worry about, but if the problem persists, then it might be something serious. Either way, you’re probably right to check with the docs. I’ll be curious to learn what they say.

  3. Oh, yeah: I’ve heard really good things about “Lucifer.” And I’m a big fan of Dennis Haysbert, who plays God in the series. I loved Haysbert back when he played President David Palmer on “24.” (Poor Palmer gets assassinated at the beginning of Season 5, I think. Sniper bullet to the throat.)

  4. Yeah, I noticed that Angie’s behind wasn’t nearly as appealing in those hiking pants as it appears when she is wearing a tight dress at work. I’ll reserve judgment until I see it in the flesh.

    I personally don’t drop my drawers when I’m on the ice, but a lot of guys do. I’ve mastered quickly looking away, but that damn picture caught me by surprise. Yuck!

    I’ll post an update on the knee later today, but no definitive diagnosis. The docs suspect it is a nerve issue and suggested an ultrasound to confirm. The intermittent symptoms might also be a sign that my tired old body is reacting to the daily stress I put on it every day.

    Viewed two more episodes of Lucifer yesterday; still enjoying it so far. I was curious if you had ever watched it but I didn’t recall a review.

  5. Glad you liked it, Jerry. Yep, downs can be treacherous, especially when they are covered in leaves and slippery. I always take it slow and use my walking stick as a break.

  6. I’ve never watched “Lucifer,” but I’ve seen a few interesting clips of it on YouTube.

  7. Just wondering why you start the hash during the hottest part of the day? I am guessing it is because people don’t want to start drinking too early?

  8. Actually, when I first started the Hash began at 3:30 in the afternoon. Being slow, that caused me some issues like still being on top of a mountain when the sun was going down. We changed the starting time during the scamdemic to 1:00 which was too early for some. Our current 2:00 p.m. was voted on as a compromise. Anyway, I prefer the earlier start despite it being the hotter time of day. The rule is no free beer until 3:30, which is still a tad early I suppose but welcome after a hard hike.

  9. We do start our group hikes at 0900 on Wednesday and Friday, and that is a better time of day for being out and about. There are no drinking rituals after those hikes, so the morning start isn’t a drawback in that regard.

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