Always Wet

Water, water everywhere, but none inside the house. Something went wrong with one of the pipes in the basement, and my part-time helper’s boyfriend’s efforts to repair it failed. I have a plumber coming this afternoon to fix the problem. I hope. The upshot is that I couldn’t shower yesterday, and the prospects of getting one in before the Hash aren’t looking good either. Yeah, I know. That stinks.

Meanwhile, life goes on. And by life, I mean beer drinking. Started my journey last evening at Hideaway. It was feeding night, so I had the meals as requested by the gals delivered from Jewel Café.

Five orders of pork tocilog
Five orders of beef tapsilog
…and a burrito for Joy
“este burrito es muy bueno!”

My next stop was Cheap Charlies. I almost walked out because the girls were all seated in my preferred prime viewing area. They made no effort to clear a space for me as I approached, so I turned around and headed for the door. A manager called out to me, as did my two favorites, Alma and Nerissa, so I chalked it up to a misunderstanding and returned to the now vacant seating area. Three beers and two lady drinks (one each) later, I was ready for a change of scenery.

I plopped down in Green Room and renewed my efforts to quench my thirst. I enjoyed watching some pretty intense pool games (the guy was paying the bargirls 200 pesos for every time they beat him–talk about motivation!). I saw him lose twice to different girls (in one case, I suspect he lost on purpose), but everyone appeared to be having fun. It occurred to me that this was a non-lady drink alternative for supplementing the meager wages of the bargirls. I stayed in my comfort zone and bought three gals one drink each.

I made Wet Spot next door my final stop on the night. Aine spotted me almost immediately after I arrived, so naturally, she joined me for a drink. My regular waitress wasn’t working, but her replacement was now subjected to my new (to her) old jokes, so I rewarded her suffering with a lady drink as well. I was actually in the process of paying my tab when the manager, Brett, sent me over a free beer. Damn. I knew that was going to cost me. I couldn’t enjoy my freebie whilst my company sat with empty glasses, so I bought them another round as well. Oh well, I’m doing better overall in reducing my expenditures in the LD category.

I got home before nine, as usual. A stormy night and a rainy morning, but at least right now, there seems to be a break in the action. Hopefully, it holds up through this afternoon’s Hash. Our On-Home is at the far end of Rizal Extension at the house of a Hasher named Always Wet. How appropriate. Getting a ride back into town from up there is often difficult, so I may not stay for the entire circle. I don’t like walking in the dark, especially after I’ve had a few beers. If it starts raining again, I may not go at all. I’ll let you know what happens tomorrow.

Here are some laughs I encountered on the internet this morning:

She looks cute enough to me.
That’s how it works for me when I sponsor a Filipina for the Hash–I expect her to fetch and serve me my beers during the circle. Opened, of course.
That’s unfortunate, but there’s a way to set your camera so the image isn’t reversed.

And that’s all I’ve got for now.

10 thoughts on “Always Wet

  1. That’s unfortunate, but there’s a way to set your camera so the image isn’t reversed.

    Well, the image isn’t reversed. The photographer just happened to catch the mirror, so that’s a natural mirror image in an unreversed photo. To fix that, you’d have to flip the image horizontally, but then everyone will see the unflipped letters in the mirror and realize the image is actually backwards.

    So will you soon be employing alternative strategies instead of paying for lady drinks? I still think you ought to lay off the ladies completely. It’s obvious that you let the ladies hang with you because they’re ladies. If there were “bar guys,” I’m pretty sure you’d have no bar-guy habit. You’ve got a craving for female attention that you can set aside with a little willpower. Your real mistress is the Bierstein, after all.

  2. I’m disappointed that Kevin didn’t pick up on the fact that the girl’s name is Jana and Lana…

  3. Re: reversed image. Yeah, I had that backward. Didn’t think it through. Again.

    Actually, with the bargirls, I’m paying for some companionship and company when I want it, and the rest of the time, I’m just feeling sorry for the girls who are working hard to make a living. I wouldn’t want their job! I’m alone most of the time in my life, so getting out and having a drink with someone is about the only socializing I do. As to “bar guys,” well, when I run into one of the Hashers in a bar, we’ll drink, chat, and buy each other drinks. We usually don’t have a bargirl around in that scenario. As for craving female attention–not really. Attention that you pay for is pretty much unsatisfying. I often choose bars without GROs so I can drink in peace. The problem is, after all this time, my regulars expect a drink when I visit the bar, and it kills my buzz to disappointment. I’m cutting way back (probably half of what I used to buy), so it’s a weaning process.

  4. re: the Jana/Lana thing

    I think Paul’s point was that, if you flipped the mirror image of the name around, the name actually says “Jana,” not “Lana.” “Lana” is what the meme’s caption says, which means the writer of the meme also got it wrong. If you write JANA in all caps, then hold a mirror up to the word, you’ll see something that looks a lot like ANAL. If her name had truly been LANA, the “L” would have flipped and looked more like a “J,” leading to the mirror image of ANAJ.

    I, meanwhile, was teasing Paul for writing, “She is, in fact, Jana and Lana” when he probably should have said, “She is, in fact, Jana, NOT Lana.” (But maybe Paul intended the “and,” and I missed an even subtler joke.)

    If the girl’s from a Latin country, then “Jana” would be pronounced “Hannah.” If she’s from a country where the people speak a Germanic/Nordic language, then she’s more likely a “Yannah.”

    The problem is, after all this time, my regulars expect a drink when I visit the bar, and it kills my buzz to disappointment. I’m cutting way back (probably half of what I used to buy), so it’s a weaning process.

    May you wean yourself aaaaalllll the way off eventually. Why continue if it’s disappointing? Life is too short to spend it on negatives.

  5. Ah, yeah, I agree Jana works much better.

    I didn’t mean to imply that the lady drink experience is always negative or disappointing. It can be sometimes, and I intend to overdo it when it’s not, so I just need to the point where it is a treat for special occasions.

  6. Alas the ‘and’ was just a brain fart on my part and not part of some elaborate British humour. That’ll teach me to be smug about seeing something that language nitpicker extraodinaire Kevin didn’t spot.

  7. Where is Rosie The Plumber when you need her?

    That fella playing pool with the bar girls is on to something. You challenge the lasses to arm-wrestle. If they win they get a lady drink. That will cut down on your LD expense. Or maybe not(LOL). Another option would be to continue on with not taking a shower. That will keep em at bay.

    Beef tapsilog looks a lot like bibimbap before it is mixed. You partake in any of the local cuisine? Give that balut a try.

    Peace Out!

  8. I think the gals might like my unbathed smell. I’ve had several sniffing my clothes and complimenting the smell of the fabric softener my helper uses. “Is that Downey? Nice!” Honestly, I find it irksome because I wear expensive Armani cologne, and they never seem to notice that smell.

    I don’t eat a lot of local delicacies, but balut is one I will NEVER sample. Just the thought of eating an aborted duck fetus grosses me out.

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