
Sometimes you just hit a dead end. And some days you hit several.

That’s how it was with the walkers group yesterday.

There were 7 of us when we started out. Rode the Hashmobile several clicks out of town to a subdivision featuring this view…

We had a new guy, Tim, along with us. Just recently retired from the VA and moved to Olongapo with his wife. He looks like I did three years ago and his goal is to get back in shape. I admire that but these long ass hikes up and over mountains are probably not the best place to start. I wondered whether he’d make it, but not for long. About halfway up the first incline he bailed.

For the second Saturday in a row our “leader” was having a difficult time finding trail. We kept hitting dead ends and having to retreat. This is especially frustrating after a strenuous climb. Oh, I guess it’s Fiesta season. People tie colorful bags and shit on string and hang it up. Got to admire their spirit.

Speaking of spirit, the Holy Spirit was on display at this Christian school we passed by. I’m not sure where intellectualism and fear of God intersect, but hey, I guess it’s a matter of faith.

So, us walkers continued our hit and miss efforts, eventually ending up in an area I at least recognized. I always appreciate that because I feel more confident when I know I can find my own way home.

These makeshift stairs seemed promising because someone went to a lot of effort to construct them. Nope. Another dead end.

Well, the leaders of the walkers (those German guys again) were bound and determined to find a way over the mountains to get back to Barretto. We were two hours into the hike by now and I was just about at my limit. So I decided to abort the mission and bail. I confirmed my supposition that the road at the bottom of those makeshift stairs pictured above did in fact lead back to the National Highway. I said my farewell and headed back down. Another member of the group decided to come with me.

Interestingly, when we reached the highway we encountered Tim making his way back to Barretto as well. He said he didn’t like being a quitter so he just kept on walking after he left us (the highway is mostly flat and more suited to his current level of conditioning). Good for him! So the three of us made our way over to Cheap Charlies for the cold beer we had worked so hard for and the the remaining four members arrived about 30 minutes later. I had a 25,000 step day, despite the abortion.

It does get a little frustrating sometimes when the trail doesn’t go as smoothly as you might like. Still, the point is to be out and about getting some exercise in. Even when you wind up backtracking you are still accomplishing that purpose.

This morning I tackled the long walk to the Navy base. Thought I’d return along the beach, but I started at a point further out than where we had recently Hashed. And came to an impassable cliff. So, I had to abort my plan and walk back on the highway. Ah well.

Chili in the crockpot and darts on tap for the afternoon. Life is good.

2 thoughts on “Aborted

  1. I thought the Hare planned out the hikes well in advance. Ah—but your Hash is normally on Mondays, right? So this wasn’t a true Hash?

    Well, at least you found your way back to civilization. Getting lost can be fun sometimes, just as long as it doesn’t become the basic condition of your existence!

  2. Yeah, the big difference with the “walker” groups is that there are no Hares, you just kind of wing it. Also, none of the Hash rituals (and no sitting on ice).

    I can handle being lost I suppose, as long as I’m not lost alone. Hell, if cannibalism becomes necessary I need someone at my side, right?

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