I’m always slow on the Hash trail, normally near the back of the pack. Yesterday, there was an older guy I didn’t know in our sane group, and he was so slow he made me look like a runner. Now, the ethos of the Hash is that it is to each his own, the trail is marked so anyone can follow it, and you are welcome to set your own pace. For whatever reason, I felt responsible for this guy, so I hung back to make sure he found his way and didn’t get hurt. It felt like I spent as much time standing around waiting for him to catch up as I did hiking.
About halfway through the trail, I elected to take a shortcut. I usually do that to avoid a difficult climb, but this time my motivation was to shorten our hike because we were moving so slowly. And once I deviated from the marked trail, there was no way the slowpoke was going to find his way back without my guidance. Anyway, it was a little frustrating, but the guy thanked me afterward for hanging back with him. And honestly, if I were Hashing with a group I didn’t know, I’d hope someone would care enough to keep their eyes out for me. On-On!

After Hash, a few of us went up the road to Johan’s for some more beers. Then I got a message from my friend inviting me to join her at Snackbar. How could I say no?
I feel like on the cusp of something; I’m just not sure what it is. Nothing to do but stick around and find out what happens next. Y’all are welcome to follow along right here.
I feel [as if I’m] on the cusp of something
Just don’t go having any strokes!
So, it’s like the rule of the gunfighter, but in reverse. Instead of There’s always someone faster, with the Hash, it’s There’s always someone slower. Good of you to look out for the guy.
Another missing word. It always sounds so right when I read it in my head. Maybe I need to try an out loud proofread. Anyway, if I’m on the cusp of a stroke, I hope it is a stroke of good luck!
Love the gunfighter analogy! Yeah, some stranger rolls into town, and all of the sudden, I no longer have the slowest gams in town. (yeah, I know gams are usually female legs, but I couldn’t resist the pun)