A Salty surprise

Another Monday, another Hash. My 33rd with the Subic H3. This one was a little different though because I had some company on the trail.

I had invited Marissa (aka Salty Cum) to join us for the after Hash activities on-home at Johansson’s. I mentioned it was a good deal because she could drink all the beer she wanted for 150 pesos ($3.). She seemed interested until I mentioned she would be attending as a “socialite” (people who attend but don’t actually hike the trail). And socialites are required to sit on the ice while they explain their unwillingness to participate in the walk. Marissa wasn’t too pleased to hear that and said she would let me know later if she was coming.

So about an hour before the Hash I get a message saying “I’ve changed my mind”. About what? I asked. She responded “about being a social life” (yeah, I guess that’s what she heard me say). So I asked what does that mean, are you coming or not? And then she told me she had decided to walk the trail! Wow! She’s accompanied me on some Buddy walks (about 30 minutes) and complained about the sun making her brown. I just figured she was never going to attempt a Hash trail.

I was actually a little worried because some of the trails are really difficult for me and I’m certainly more experienced than she is at walking off road. Still, I didn’t want to discourage her and I was really quite impressed that she was willing to step out (heh) of her comfort zone. Luckily, the trail yesterday was not all that strenuous. She kept right up with me, didn’t complain, and appeared to pretty much enjoy herself.

Marissa told me later that she had said a prayer for success as we rode out to the drop off point in the Hashmobile. And she thanked me for helping her have the courage to try something new. Honestly, my opinion of her was quite enhanced by her actions yesterday. She went from being pretty much only a drinking buddy to someone with the potential to be a walking buddy as well. That’s huge!

As a funny epilogue to the story of Marissa’s first trail (she had done the Candy Run on Christmas eve, but that was just walking pavement handing out treats to the kids). I told her that during the Hash circle everyone will be asked their opinion of the trail. If you say anything good about it, you have to join the Hare on the ice. For example, my assessment was that the downhill portion of the trail yesterday was “not slippery enough”. I knew she wanted to avoid the ice so I suggested she just say the trail “was too sunny”. So anyway, when the Grandmaster (HIV) got to Marissa he overlooked her. I assumed he thought she hadn’t walked the trail so I piped up and said “HIV, today was the first time Salty Cum did the Hash trail”. He responded “Oh really? Then she needs to sit on the ice!”

The look on Marissa’s face! She had done the Hash to specifically avoid sitting on the ice and that resulted in her having to sit on the ice. It was hard not to laugh. And she pretty much took it all in stride. Fun times!

Here’s some photos (and no, I didn’t get one of Salty Cum on ice):

Loaded up Packed in like sardines and ready to roll!
Salty Cum proudly wearing her new Hash shirt. Not wearing Hash attire is an offense punishable by–you guessed it–time on the ice.
On the trail
Above the valley…
….and down in the valley.
A thriving local business? More likely repurposed signage.
Doing what Hashers do…
Hashing in action!

It was a good day. And a good additional benefit from my friend Marissa.

Speaking of which…

It’s all good!

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