A night in the life

Last night was certainly nothing to write home about. That won’t stop me though. Sorry in advance! A rather typical night in most respects, but in that way at least, it is illustrative of how most of my nights in these parts go. And there’s nothing wrong with that, I’m living big and easy and I’ve got the beer belly to prove it.

So, this is the high season. Which means our little town is brimming with tourists and other part-time interlopers. The residual impact is mostly about bigger crowds in the popular hangouts and the inevitable deterioration in service standards by overwhelmed staff. I’m pretty much philosophical about it though, these guys (and they are indeed primarily guys) probably keep a lot of places in business–the expat community is I suspect too small to support the profit margins of so many businesses in low season. High season pays the bills so I can enjoy year-round entertainment. Fair is fair.

Anyway, I started my evening at the Arizona floating bar a little after 5:00 p.m. I had forgone my normal afternoon walk in a concession to my overwrought lungs, so walking to the far side of Barretto to drink generated some extra steps. I came in at 19,000 for the day, which isn’t bad considering. I do enjoy sitting on the water and watching the sun go down as I drink. Certainly worth the walk!

The bar was pretty crowded, a large and raucous “private” party going on upstairs, and a couple of “two-week millionaires” spending big money on the ladies downstairs. Hey, if these guys are buying drinks for the girls that suits me just fine–I don’t have to deal with lady drink pressure. The only real downside is that all the girls seemed to be otherwise occupied so I had to get up and go to the bar to fetch my own refills. Ah well, no big deal.

After several cold ones, I decided to make way back to shore and see about getting some food in my belly. I really like the Arizona Resort restaurant, but it was packed. I knew the food would be slow coming out of the kitchen so I moved on down the highway. As I passed by T-Rose bar I figured I’d pop in for a quick one and see what was going on. It had been quite some time since my last visit. Basically, there was nothing going on. One other customer and he left soon after I arrived. Bored bargirls playing pool with each other was the only entertainment on offer. A couple of cuties though. I bought one gal a drink out of sympathy as much as anything, finished my beer, and headed back out.

I decided to eat at Sit-n-Bull, my overall favorite restaurant in town. They have a good regular menu and usually some interesting daily specials at reasonable prices. Service is generally outstanding as well, and I’m spoiled by being a regular customer and welcomed by name. Not so much last night though. They were also packed, although I managed to get a seat at my regular outside table. I called out for a menu and one was dropped unceremoniously on the table and the waitress hurried off without taking my drink order. Not a good sign! After waiting a bit I called another waitress out and asked her if things were as busy as they appeared. She gave me a look and admitted the kitchen was “backed up”. I thanked her for her honesty and told her I would find somewhere else tonight.

I wound up at Mango’s and was pleased to see Rhel, my favorite waitress that I secretly crush on, working. As she was leading me to a table another customer called her over to complain about the seafood chowder. I’d had a bowl of that on my previous visit and it was quite tasty. This customer claimed he had found pork in the chowder. I guess that offended his Muslim sensitivities. I was just wondering how he knew what pork tasted like. I don’t recall there being pork in mine. Oh well, while Rhel was busy taking care of him, another waitress took my order. I got my usual grilled pork chop platter, they are always damned good. When they arrived I warned my waitress that there’d better not be any pork in them. That earned me a nervous smile.

My bill totaled P1100 (I had a calamari appetizer and some beers) so I gave the waitress P1500. I was very surprised to see I had 900 pesos in change, so I called her over and said: “my change isn’t correct”. She got a worried look on her face and said: “you gave me P2000”. I told her, no I didn’t, I gave you 1500. She was so surprised! Either at her mistake or by my honesty. She thanked me and said I had saved her from being short. Well, I know some guys who figure they get short-changed a lot and when it goes the other way, that’s just karma at work. I don’t buy into that thinking and I’m certainly not going to steal 500 pesos, which is more than a day’s wages, from some hardworking waitress. Still, her gratitude and the approving look I got from Rhel on the way out made me feel good.

I made Queen Victoria my last stop on the way home. This bar is relatively new and has some real potential. Sadly, that potential is not being realized. The absentee owner has left his 20-year-old girlfriend in charge. She’s a hottie but doesn’t have a clue about running a business. I’m not sure what’s going on behind the scenes. They had hired a Filipina to manage the place and she was making some good progress at getting a regular crowd in the bar. Pool league, dart tourneys, and live bands. She’s also a Hasher and we had a Hash “on-home” there a couple of weeks ago. Now, I hear she’s no longer working there. And last night it seemed like I was in a Filipino bar (not that there is anything wrong with that) as I was the only foreigner customer. A very different vibe than I’m used to and one that doesn’t bode well for the Queen’s future I fear. Anyway, the beers were cold and then I stumbled on home.

Had a bowl of ice cream, did my nebulizer, hit the bed and slept soundly. Until 0300 when I was awakened by another coughing fit. This is getting so tiresome. Literally. I’m going to get through the weekend and reassess my options come Monday. I have my domestic helper searching out a pulmonary specialist for a possible consultation.

And that dear readers is how my night went here in paradise.

2 thoughts on “A night in the life

  1. Yeah, this is a great “winter” destination! Doesn’t rain this time of year and it is *almost* cool. Well, less hot and pleasant in the shade at least.

    For whatever reason, this area seems to be a real destination for Swedes. Lots of Aussies and Poms too. The demographic is somewhat younger as well, the tourists don’t tend to be retired or of an age to be. The girls seem to appreciate a break from us fucking old men that live here. 🙂

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