A dog’s life

Althouse posted an interesting story today about the way dogs are treated in India. And it got me to thinking some about the hierarchy of canines here in the Philippines.

At the top of the totem pole are those lucky animals that live in the relative comfort and safety of their owner’s home. They are fed and watered, get their shots and other needed treatments from the vet, and are generally loved and cared for. I won’t even try to ascribe an overall percentage of the dog population that lives this way. In my neighborhood which is comparatively upscale, I’d guess 80% or higher own dogs. An added benefit is that when you have shit you want to keep that others covet, a watchdog is a good theft deterrent. I’d guess the percentage is quite a bit lower in working class households.

The next tier are those dogs who have a home, get fed periodically, and exist in a universe that extends no further than the length of a three foot chain to which they are tethered.

This guy is relatively well off. At least he has shade and shelter. Many dogs are not so lucky. In the course of a one hour walk this morning I observed no fewer than 6 dogs on chains no longer than my arm. I just don’t get it. Why even own a dog under these circumstances?

It’s none of my business I suppose, but I honestly detest seeing an animal treated this way. I can’t say whether they are ever permitted off the chain or at least taken for a walk. But for the dog pictured above and several others I regularly see, they are ALWAYS chained in the same position as I pass by. Disgusting.

And then there are the dogs that I assume have owners but apparently have no home. They are always out on the street without leash or collars, but appear to be neighborhood pets. From my observations their diet consists of whatever scraps that may remain from a human’s meal. Many of them have mange or other skin disorders that go untreated. And of course these dogs do what dogs do, mate with each other. I frequently see them “stuck together” in the road and I just shake my head, knowing that in a few months there will be more dogs on the street. Sad.

Finally, there are the dogs who have nothing and no one. I see them all over on my walks. Literally skin and bones. Foraging in the trash for any morsel of nourishment they can find. Most of them are well on the way to being bald from skin disease. There are a couple I see almost daily and each day they look a little bit worse off. I dread knowing that one morning when I walk by I’m likely to view a corpse. Pathetic and heart breaking.

There are no rescue shelters or dog pounds here that I’m aware of. The locals don’t seem to notice or care. On a certain level I guess I can understand that. When so much of the human population is struggling to put food on the table, dogs are not going to be a priority. Unless it is as a meal.

Hot dog! A plate of dog adobo. Yes, just like in Korea eating dog is a thing here.

Dogs running loose and wild is also a hassle for human folk too. They sometimes knock over my trash cans and scatter garbage around the yard. I can’t take Buddy and Lucky on walks outside the neighborhood for fear of being attacked. A few months back there was a pack of dogs on Baloy Beach that were very aggressive. Even came at me once, but I managed to scare them off. I guess they went after some tourists as well, because the hotel owners complained to the Barangay (city hall). Now, they don’t have dog catchers here (remember there are no pounds or shelters). They do send out a crew though. And they just kill the dogs and take away the carcass. They even put up signs warning folks that loose dogs will be terminated. Heh, just like they do with the drug dealers!

Alright, rant over. It is what it is and it is one of the things I do not admire about this culture. I’m the outsider and my complaints would fall on deaf ears anyway. I saved two and that’s all I can do for now. Well, I leave a bowl of food out on the front porch for Lucky’s girlfriend (she’s one of those neighborhood dogs who hangs around). And no, I won’t let Buddy fuck her no matter how much he whines about being horny (he really does that!) We don’t need anymore stray puppies running around.

I will say there was one Filipina who told me out of the blue while we were out walking: “If I ever win the lottery I am going to build a shelter for all these stray dogs”. Here’s hoping she hits the jackpot!

My Buddy boy and my Lucky boy are doing just fine thank you! I’m not sure they even remember they are dogs these days. But I’m glad to have them around of course!

7 thoughts on “A dog’s life

  1. What’s your rule on things like
    – allowing dogs to hop onto chairs and other furniture
    – feeding dogs human food
    – allowing dogs to sleep in your bed

    Sad to hear about what a dog’s life can be like. One does what one can, I guess. The rest is just adobo.

  2. I allow my dogs on the furniture, although they normally prefer the floor.

    I will occasionally give them some scraps, but never from the table, and in very small quantities. They get a can of wet food in the morning and there is dry food out for consumption all day long.

    Sometimes they sleep at the foot of my bed and I’m okay with that. 🙂

    Yeah, it’s just one of those things that takes some getting used to. Life is hard, for people and dogs sometimes…

  3. That pic of the sad-faced dog tied up on the couch ruined my day. In my world that’s animal abuse. “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. The P,I not too great. Peace Out!

  4. Yeah, and he was better off than most of the “chain dogs” I see. It is just not natural and I don’t understand the mentality of keeping a dog tied up like that all fucking day.

    But the really sad thing is those dogs are better off than the starving and suffering strays I see.

  5. I love dogs…in fact I own few…leash them and let them play inside in a while…cook food for them…if leftovers making sure it is still a good food…take them regularly to vet…giod thing in Davao Region particularly in my island dog regulations or animal care is highly observed. Dog PAO are roaming around regularly to catch stray dogs….city gov’t offers vaccinations and medications for animals in minimal charge….even deworming is only 50pesos…so my dogs always get medical attention if unwell.
    But yes sad to say my females for stray male dogs…so might as well have them tied.

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