A breakfast controversy

I had a pleasant stroll down the beach this morning then popped into Arizona Resort for some breakfast. I was pleased to see my favorite waitress (and Facebook friend) Grace would be my server.

Now, normally I’m an order off the menu kind of guy. But then I noticed they had this build your own breakfast deal going–pick 5 items for P240 ($4.80) so I called Grace over. “Let me have the eggs, bacon, sausage, and…” She stopped me and said, “That’s already 6”. I was incredulous, and told her, no, that’s 3. She said “2 eggs, 3 bacon, and a sausage is 6.” Although we like to tease she was dead serious. So, I looked at the menu again and asked about a waffle. She said the waffle only comes with the build your own breakfast. I took a deep breath, relaxed, and accepted the Filipino way. Then I told her “Okay, give me one egg, one strip of bacon, one sausage, one piece of toast, and one waffle.” She smiled and said yes, po (sir).

Now, I’ll concede that maybe the flyer for the build your own breakfast was a little ambiguous, but it seems to me there is only one reasonable way to read the intent. You get to pick 5 items. What do you think?

After eating my piecemeal (literally) breakfast, I pointed out to Grace that the flyer shows 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, and at least 3 strips of bacon–that’s 7 items by her way of counting. She just shrugged and gave me an “I just work here” kinda look.

Anyway, no big deal. I got my waffle and the rest was more than enough to satisfy my hunger.

I had better luck with the Sunday dinner from Foodies. They offer both roast beef and roast pork. I obviously opted for the pork. Had it served to me while I sat at the bar in Cheap Charlies chatting up my two favorite bargirls, Rose and Maya. Life is good!

Let me hit you with a newsworthy pun:

Yeah, that was painful. Sorry!

Well, we are all God’s children so this should really come as no surprise:

It’s a miracle!

Truthfully, I never vomit from beer. Get me a few shots of whiskey and I’m liable to be all over the place.

Time to head out for our special Hash at San Narcisco. It’s a beautiful area. I’ll try and get some decent photos to share here tomorrow.

Peace out!

4 thoughts on “A breakfast controversy

  1. Good luck with the Hash. I look forward to the pics. As for those menu items… yeah, I’d read that the same way you did. And in the end, because I’d still want the quantity I’d want, I’d end up paying double just be to sure I got two of everything. Ten dollars for a full-size breakfast is a bit expensive by US Denny’s standards ($7-$8), but it’s not awful.

  2. Have to say I see it their way. You are effectively expecting a kind of free for all buffet serving pertaining to each food item. The clue is in “build your own”. The building blocks of most all things are comprised of basic units of one. Though a single rasher of bacon is a tad mean, I agree. Next time clarify, quantify, and simplify.

  3. You should have thrown that gal a curveball and ordered 1/2 an egg, 1/2 a waffle and 4 pancakes for total of 5. BTW, IHOP down the street from me has all-you-can-eat flapjacks for $4.99. they lose money on me. Peace Out!

  4. Kev, yeah it was a bargain price for sure. Especially for a hotel resto as opposed to a Waffle House type place.

    Dan, granted it can be read both ways, although the menu does say “eggs” which implies more than one. I guess my expectation wasn’t for a buffet or all you can eat, just the standard order of those items–2 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, etc. The photo on the menu seems to suggest that. No big deal though, I got what I wanted and left with a full stomach.

    Soju, yeah I toyed with the idea of ordering 5 waffles. That certainly would have been more than an äll you can eat deal for me!

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