Wasting away again…

…in Margaritaville.

I’ve got another Hash run to attend this morning, so I’m just going to slap up some photos of yesterday’s events for your viewing pleasure. The medium trail (6K) on a hot day with a climb near the end was more challenging than I imagined it would be. But getting passed near the end by a couple of the “ball buster trail” (19K) runners put things in perspective. The first Hasher to finish overall was a ballbuster and his time was three hours and nineteen minutes. It took me two hours to do 6K. I’m just glad I made it back still breathing.

After the Hash, we had the long forty-minute Jeepney ride back to Bauang. A shower at the hotel, then a stroll to the Blue Cat bar featuring free Margaritas for all the Hashers. I don’t usually drink cocktails, but it seemed impolite to decline such a generous offer. A couple of drinks later, it was time to board the Jeepneys again for the ride to our dinner venue. Some good food, music and cultural dancing filled the hours until it was time to head to bed.

The view from my room
One of the Jeepneys for the forty-minute ride to the start of the trail
Out of the Jeepneys
The Hares weren’t there but left a greeting
An easy beginning
Pleasant countryside
There were some gentle ups and downs along the way, but easy enough
Dam, get over it!
Lots of farmland out this way
Nature’s beauty
The day’s only cookie delivery
Things got a little woodsy
The first real uphill began here
A good sign at the top, but we were only halfway there
The view from here
Ramshackle hut
A shady place to rest
The path ahead
Yeah, I’ve seen that before…
The big hill awaits
A rest stop along the way up
Onward and upward
That’s not the top
That gal is one of the ballbuster trail Hashers who passed me. Impressive!
Getting down at last
Glad that horny boy was friendly!
Farm life
A not-so-rickety bridge, made of rebar instead of bamboo
Swan says that’s tobacco
Now there’s a good sign!
And I get a peaceful, easy feeling
Ah, this is the definition of rickety
Don’t worry, the fat guy made it across
The On-Home was in an empty field in the middle of nowhere
The writing on the wall
The route we walked
The MapMyWalk app stats
My Fitbit said I done good

The long Jeepney ride back to town, a brief rest, then it was time party some more.

Margarita time!

I got a tingly feeling after two of those puppies, so I went outside to wait for the Jeepneys to take us to dinner.

I never knew this hotel existed, about ten minutes out of town at the end of long road off the highway
On a nice beach
Swan got to enjoy her sundown
Some nice music was provided
My dinner plate from the buffet line. The main course was lechon baboy (roast pig)
And a cultural dance performance

I got drafted by one of the dancers to join in a routine. I wasn’t drunk, I swear!

So, the night ended on a high note.

The fun is not done yet. Here’s today’s agenda:

I’m up for one last trail this morning

In the memories department, three years ago, John’s place moved to a new location.

The upstairs open air bar never took off like the old location
And now, John is gone. RIP!

Today’s YouTube video is all about my hometown that I haven’t seen for days now!

Some quick humor:

I’m funny when you’re drunk
It’s fun to be nuts!

Running late, gotta go. Heading back home tomorrow, so things will be normal again. Sorry about that!

5 thoughts on “Wasting away again…

  1. The first Hasher to finish overall was a ballbuster and his time was three hours and nineteen minutes.

    Wow. So his speed in the mountains was equivalent to (slightly faster than) my speed on flat ground. Badass.

    A shady place to rest

    On my tiny phone screen, that rock or group of rocks looks like either a giant crocodile or a huge dick poking out of the woods.

    Farm life

    That looked almost like a Korean view.

    Good luck with what I guess is the final Hash. Be safe.

  2. You often write “Hash run,” but how often do you run with those raspy lungs? I get that there are some people who do run these courses (not me, not ever… but then again, I’m not a Hasher). Is this how Hashes originally started—as runs, not as walks? If so, what changed, and why? (I guess we’ll see how well you know your Hash history!)

  3. Yes, it is technically a “Hash run,” even if you walk the trail. The Hash was founded in Malaysia in the 1930s by British military troops stationed there. These days, there are more fat old guy Hashers than fit folks. We have a handful of actual runners in Subic, but they are in the minority. The Hash motto is: “A drinking club with a running problem.” That fits.

  4. Yeah, that guy was impressively fast, especially given the terrain he had to traverse.

    I had to go back and look at the “A shady spot” photo to see what you meant. Those aren’t rooks, it is two carabao lying in the shade.

    I hope yesterday wasn’t my “final Hash.” I am going to skip the Subic Hash today, but I’ll be back in action in a week.

  5. Ah! I see the carabao on my desktop’s big monitor.

    I hope yesterday wasn’t my “final Hash.” I am going to skip the Subic Hash today, but I’ll be back in action in a week.

    Final Hash for the event.

    “A drinking club with a running problem.”

    More like a walking/hobbling problem these days.

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