Off and on

Another Hash run completed without a trip, slip, or fall. A nice trail overall, some parts familiar and some almost seeming new again after a long absence. Our group made a wrong turn or two but recovered before too much energy was expended retracing our steps. And as is our style, we took a shortcut to avoid an end-of-the-trail hill climb.

Gathering at the VFW starting point
And let the climbing begin!
Moving through a shanty village on the way up
There goes that girl of mine
Leaving the village behind
Passing the grass (heh, that brings back memories!)
The Barretto view
A rest stop. If it looks like I’m peeing behind that tree, it is because I was.
Cums Alone leading the way
The Subic side of the hill
The final push to the top
A brief water break at Four Corners
More grass
And coming back down the other side
The view from here
A stroll through Marian Hills
Then back up to Alta Vista
Heading On-Home
Didn’t even make it to thirty. RIP!
Red Bar was our host for the Hash Circle
Our version (the yellow) came in just shy of 5K

I’m glad to be healthy enough to Hash. Heart rate and breathing have not been issues of late and I hope it stays that way.

Some more after-Hash enjoyment at IDM. It was nice to see Michael and his gal Tess back in town after a three week driving tour of several of the islands. We returned home in time to enjoy the third episode of the second season of “Squid Game.” More bloody violence and an interesting twist at the end. I’m looking forward to see where things go from here.

Not bad for a beery Hash day

I have no Facebook memories to share today, but here’s a twenty-year-old post about filling the hours one weekend in Korea that I’m including in The Story of My Life.

Here’s a meme I liked:

Another on my list of the unforgiven

Well, we haven’t heard from Mikey Bustos in a while. Hope you enjoy seeing today’s YouTube video:

And now, that other kind of humor:

Me too! And to be clear, those two are quite nice!
Make her earn it!
Time keeps on ticking into the future (Hmm. Why instead of what kind of spoils the fun. Didn’t notice until now and can’t be bothered to delete this one. Sorry!)

Alright, time to get on with my Tuesday. Thanks for dropping by.

2 thoughts on “Off and on

  1. Looks to have been a great Hash. Lots of lovely scenery.

    Whatever became of those lessons in reading and writing Korean from 2005? I also noticed all the language errors in Carol’s comment, and how they nicely complemented your own. You two were made for each other!

    re: to, two, too

    “And what else to note, Troi? Your two are too visible, too!”

  2. Kev, I did the introductory Korean class on base, then hired a tutor for several months. But spending my days on the American army base and nights in Itaewon, where everyone spoke English, I rarely got to use or develop those Korean language skills. So, I never pursued fluency. My Korean vocabulary is still larger than my ability in Tagalog.

    Yes, Carol and I shared many traits in common. Except our dreams for the future.

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