A sucky day

Hey, even in paradise sometimes things just don’t go according to plan. Take yesterday for example. Thursday is usually my long solitary walk day. Instead, I never left the house until late in the afternoon. Poor dogs! Well, I did let them outside to take care of business but they didn’t get their customary walk. Do I have any excuse for such laziness? Other than to argue being lazy wasn’t my motivation, no. I just didn’t feel up to doing much of anything at all. I spent a goodly part of the day in bed. I don’t know, maybe my body was just saying it needed a break. For the most part, though, it just felt like a wasted day.

I did manage a blog post and I also baked up a batch of cornbread. Around 4:30 I headed out to Cheap Charlies for my daily beer ration. About halfway there I was regretting my decision–it was hot and I didn’t feel like walking. I carried on though, but knew I wouldn’t be staying long; I had steaks to grill back at the house. And just over an hour later, I was home again and busy putting together my dinner menu: ribeyes, baked potato, broccoli, corn-on-the-cob, and cornbread.

And here’s how all that goodness looked on the plate.

Actually, I’m not happy with the steaks I’ve been getting from the meat lady. Sure, they are tender and USDA quality beef, but they are just too damn thin. Hell, they were falling apart when I turned them on the grill. I’m going to need to find a new source for my steaks. I was happy with the cornbread though, I hadn’t made a batch for quite some time. Had a chunk with my breakfast today and added a little honey on top. Yum!

Shortly after eating, the suckiness returned. I found myself short of breath. That used to happen quite often before I started my meds, but now it is unusual enough to be concerning. I did two doses of my bronchodilator juice with the nebulizer. That seemed to help.

And oh yeah, I have an ingrown fingernail on my thumb. It’s been a few days and last night it was swollen and extremely painful. My helper did her best to relieve the pressure and dig out the offending nail, but damn, it was excruciating. Luckily, if feels much better today. I’m even using my thumb for the keyboard space bar again!

So I go upstairs to bed, but I had difficulty sleeping. I had an itchy foot. I tried to ignore it to no avail. I finally got up and put some hydrocortisone on the offending area. I laid back down and then my leg began itching. I was thinking damn, the mosquitos are aggressive tonight, but when I looked for tell-tale signs of a bite, there weren’t any. No idea what the itching was all about, but it lasted through the night and resulted in a very fitful sleep.

Alright, I reckon that’s enough whining for one post. I know people who are dealing with some serious medical issues (welcome home from the hospital, Kevin!), and I am blessed indeed to be as healthy as I am. I do feel a lot better today and was able to participate in the Friday group hike, so there’s that. I also have a full weekend of Hashing ahead of me. I’ll share more about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, Facebook reminded me that I posted this gem back in 2013:

I think I’ve forgotten more than I ever knew about grammar…

A commenter left this on my Facebook page in response:

Yeah, it’s all good.

Well, it’s Friday night, so you know what that means. Time to go out and sweet talk the bargirls:

Damn, I hate when that happens!

Yeah, I’ve probably used that cartoon here before, but I can’t remember. That’s the nice thing about being forgetful–everything old is new again!

2 thoughts on “A sucky day

  1. Beef:
    Try making dishes where you slice the beef thinly. Even just slicing the beef thin, cooking it, then just adding salt and pepper is good. Doesn’t have to be a steak.

    That’s an infection. You might be able to lance it if the swelling is bad enough. See a manicurist or a doctor.

    Good luck!

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