…another door opens. Or so it has been said. I’d like to see the scientific data supporting that proposition though.
Anyway, on the way to do my grocery shopping yesterday, I had my driver drop my weekend guest off at the bus station so she could return to her life in Angeles City. She has subsequently been messaging things like she misses me and wants to come see me again. I haven’t been brutal in my responses, but I think I’ve made it clear those feelings are not mutual. Again, I think she is a good-hearted woman, just someone who is completely wrong for me. I made her cry her last night here with my bluntness, I wasn’t even angry, okay, maybe a tad rude and impatient, but nothing like my worst behavior. Anyway, trying to have a relationship with her would be a disaster for us both. Not sure what lessons I can take away from the experience, maybe something to do with selectivity.
I did share my insights on caring about someone who doesn’t care for you with “Jenny”. I told her I understood better how she must have felt with me trying to worm my way into her heart when she had no reciprocal feelings for me. She told me she was sorry I felt that way and that I misunderstood her. She said she thinks I’m a nice and caring man with a good sense of humor and that she enjoys my company. She just does not want to be in a relationship with a “white man” right now. Yeah, that’s how she put it. She explained that she has some personal goals she is working hard to achieve and it is important to her that she achieve them on her own. Having a white boyfriend would diminish whatever she accomplishes because people would assume I made it happen for her through financial support (all us foreigners are considered rich in the eyes of the Filipino community apparently). Whatever her reasons, I’m not gonna chase or beg for her time and attention. Maybe I’ll be here when she’s ready for a relationship, maybe I won’t.
I was surprised to hear from another former love of mine yesterday. Her engagement to a foreigner has ended (she didn’t say why, and I didn’t ask) and she inquired about me providing a work reference. I did and it appears she will indeed be hired. Happy about that. And yes, the thought did cross my mind about trying to rekindle that old flame. I’ve regretted maybe giving up too soon during our first go-round and with the benefit of hindsight and getting to know her better during our ensuing years of friendship, perhaps we could make a go of it this time. Way, way too soon for me to even consider acting on that possibility. I need to stand back and give her some space and time to make the transition back to singleness. I can think about it though and let my imagination run wild.

Played darts last night and got knocked out early. First time in a long time we’ve had enough players for a doubles tournament. I’m not going to blame my partner for our poor performance though. Wait a minute, yes I am! Not that I cared. The blessing of an early defeat was that I had more time to do a bar crawl. I started at BarCelona and visited my new favorite waitress there, Samantha. Her only off-day is Wednesday and since my Wednesdays are whacked with hiking and dart league, I’m not sure what we are going to do to get to know one another better. We talked about doing a hike and perhaps we will next week. She works too late (midnight or later) to get together after quitting time. Maybe a lunch date prior to work would be possible. We’ll see.
After BarCelona, I dropped by The Green Room, hoping to see my friend Novi. She wasn’t around (I found out later she quit) so it was one beer and out for me.
Next stop was Alaska. I greeted the owner, Jerry, then took a seat. Three gals up on stage and not much else happening. Music is always good with Jerry as DJ though, so there was that. Still, no one I knew to talk to, so a couple of beers and I said my goodnight.

It was nearly my bedtime (9 p.m.) but I decided to have one more for the road so I headed down to Queen Victoria.

Queen Vic had a live band and they sounded surprisingly good. Also, some pretty hot waitresses who looked very thirsty, but I just wasn’t in the mood to engage. A couple of more beers and I called it a night.
Just before I went to bed, I got a message from the schoolteacher. I hadn’t heard from her in several days. As you may recall she got pissed because I didn’t respond to her messages fast enough. Anyway, I was too tired and drunk to deal with her last night. I’ll keep her in the queue notwithstanding some red flags she’s displayed.
That was my Tuesday. Did a nice hike this morning, and now it is time for dart league. I’m really tired, but I’ve got no choice, my teammates are relying on me. I’ve already announced that I’m not playing next season.
Finally, Facebook reminded me that today is the third anniversary of me acquiring my dog Lucky. Here’s how he looked when I brought him home that day:

It’s all good.
Lucky looks good! I didn’t realize it’s already been three years, just as I didn’t realize that six years had already gone by for your friend who just got out of prison. Tempus fugit.
Maybe your dogs are the best companions you will find there in the PI. If so, actually not a bad outcome.
Happiness is a wet pussy.
Getting there is half the fun.
— Pepe Le Pew
Tempus fugit–yes, it does! Reading the Latin in context, I understood the meaning right away. Oddly enough, I don’t recall ever seeing it before though. Looked it up online just to be sure. Learning something new to start the day!
Brian, yes I have often thought I’d love to find a woman who loves me the way my dogs do.
Snake, that Pepe was quite a little stinker as I recall…
Pepe was a stinker. But he had some fun!