What’s the Beef?

The Beef I’m talking about is my latest adventure via Netflix.

Commenter Brandon suggested I might enjoy this. Two episodes viewed (out of ten), and so far, so good.

So, during this current bout of whatever it is I’m going through, it was my destiny to finish watching Manifest and also to Keep Breathing. I finished the sixth and final episode of KB in the wee hours of my sleepless morning.

I can’t call it a complete waste of time because what else is there to do at o’dark-thirty?

I read a couple of reviews for shits and giggles, and the audience score at Rotten Tomatoes was a paltry 37%, so it appears I wasn’t alone in my assessment of mediocrity.

I’m enjoying Beef a lot more so far. It has a USA setting but a Korean tone about it. Here’s a taste of the meat from the trailer.


The current state of my health precludes hiking and prevents sleeping (I have coughing attacks when I lie down). So, I’ve watched more TV in the last week than I have since the scamdemic lockdowns.

The only walking I did yesterday was a late afternoon stroll to Sloppy Joe’s. At least I made it, but it was a close call. Once again, I was breathing hard before I even made it out of Alta Vista. The shortcut I usually take to town requires an uphill path, which is about the equivalent of two flights of stairs. The way I was puffing on flat ground, I knew better than even to try the up and over. I figured when I got to the highway I could grab a trike if need be, but I sucked it up and hoofed it all the way.

Erik, Jim, Ken, and Simon also showed up at Sloppy Joe’s to start their evening bar crawl. I knew I was not going to leave the relative safety of The Maze, so we went our separate ways. My next stop was The Green Room, where I entertained myself watching some pool games. I also shared a batch of fresh-baked brownies with the crew. I finished my night out with the Wet Spot crowd. A trike driver called me by name as I left the bar and safely delivered my tired old body to the house.

I only managed about three hours of sleep last night, and I’m feeling it today. I’m scheduled to see the cardiologist this afternoon to finalize the surgery clearance, and I’m also hoping to revisit the pulmonary specialist for guidance on improving my lung capacity. I know it would be a miracle if that works out, but we shall see.

I’m as tired of feeling this way as my faithful few readers must be hearing about it. I’m hoping for better news soon.

Harsh but true.
I can see that happening.

Alright, I’m going to keep trying to maintain a positive attitude. More to come tomorrow. Hopefully.

9 thoughts on “What’s the Beef?

  1. Get some beers in and don’t go out for a few weeks unless it’s to the hospital. I once read that rest: HELPS RECOVERY. It was the advice of the same wise Chinaman who said man whose cock hard have soft head. But at least -yet- you haven’t been classically scammed by a south-east Asian pick-up artist in a pink bikini with sleek golden curves yum yum. Thank god for Netflix in our times of troubles, oh Lord.

  2. Are we basically looking at pneumonia here? Pneumonia comes in at least three flavors: bacterial, viral, and fungal. The symptoms/effects are roughly the same: inflammation of the lungs’ alveoli, which also fill with fluid, making it hard to breathe and hard for blood to oxygenate (it’s in the alveoli that oxygenation occurs). Antibiotics work only against bacterial pneumonia, not against viral or fungal. With the PI’s tropical climate, fungal is a big possibility.

    I watched the preview trailers for “Keep Breathing” and “Beef.” “Keep Breathing” looks as if it has some potential, but “Beef” turned me off right away: neither main character strikes me as likable. And if I want to see East Asians fighting each other, all I need to do is take a walk down the street. Koreans love conflict; if they can’t find it, they’ll manufacture it.

    I hope your docs know what they’re doing regarding your lungs. I’m beginning to think that the timing of all this sucks, and you’re not going to get clearance for your nasal surgery until the pulmonary thing resolves itself (which is probably for the best).

    But I see you’re well enough to be baking brownies.

  3. Hope that the antibiotics work. Im with @Kevin on this. Doubtful that you would be cleared for surgery at the moment and I am guessing it will have to be postponed until the lung clears up.

    Some K-dramas I recommend if you are looking for further viewing:

    The Glory – a really really really dark series about a girl that is horrifically bullied in HS and is out for revenge as an adult.

    Itaewon Class – Kind of a David vs. Goliath story about a small bar owner who gets screwed over by a big conglomerate and fights back.

    Memories of Alhambra – A VR game is developed where the lines between reality and the game become blurred.

    Crash Landed on You – Probably heard of this one. I think the biggest K-drama ever?

    (I do a lot of indoor rowing and watch these while I row, and having to read subtitles requires focus (at least for me) and makes me somewhat forget about the exercise, so I have been watching ALOT of K dramas. LOL. All of the above were quite good I thought.)

  4. Thanks for the viewing tips, Brian. That will come in handy as I explore this brave new world named Netflix.

    Yes, the pulmonary doctor I saw yesterday confirmed that surgery in my current condition is a no-go. He believes the meds he prescribed will clear up my lungs by early next week. Here’s hoping!

  5. None of the docs I’ve seen have mentioned pneumonia specifically, and I hadn’t even considered the three variants it uses to attack the lungs. If the antibiotics don’t work, I’ll have to consider other options. I don’t currently have a fever, for whatever that’s worth.

    Kev, I finished “Beef” last night, and you are right; the two main characters were both losers in their own right. The reconciliation and awakening to their faults was the fuel for the tenth and final episode. I generally enjoyed this one.

    In addition to the upgraded antibiotic, the pulmonary doc altered several of the drugs/inhalers I’ve been using since I was first diagnosed. The surgery ain’t happening until I’ve stabilized.

  6. “But at least -yet- you haven’t been classically scammed by a south-east Asian pick-up artist in a pink bikini with sleek golden curves yum yum.”

    Dan, that’s my dream!

    So far I’m still maintaining my daily bar visit routine, but getting there on foot is infinitely more difficult. I’m trying to remain confident that this will pass soon. But yes, it is good to have Netflix to fill those otherwise sober hours. And I have beer in the fridge in case of emergency!

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