Woke up early as usual this morning. Looked out the window and was surprised to see this:

I have to admit I got pretty damned excited. Perhaps this first Sunday in August would actually feature some sun!

Alas, before I had completed the normal 30 minute dog walk, I spotted this on the horizon:

Oh well, it wasn’t exactly raining cats and dogs when I did my morning walk. But there was this:

Anyway, I’m not one to complain. Much. I did in fact get my morning steps in. It’s not hot outside. I’m confident I’ll be able to get in a nice hike this afternoon as well. So what if my shoes get wet.
Walk along the river, sweet lullaby, it just keeps on flowing,
It don’t worry ’bout where it’s going, no, no.
Don’t fly, mister blue bird, I’m just walking down the road,
Early morning sunshine tell me all I need to know
You’re my blue sky, you’re my sunny day.
Lord, you know it makes me high when you turn your love my way,
Turn your love my way, yeah.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
You can take that to the (piggy) bank!