What she said

It may come as a surprise to some, but I do not confine myself exclusively to the echo chamber of conservative punditry.  It can be painful at times delving into the irrationality of left-leaning viewpoints, but there are occasions where you encounter a perspective that reminds you there is still some common ground to be found.

Such was this case when I came across this column from Camille Paglia.  Ok, I had to grit my teeth through the parts where she expresses who love for Obama and takes the obligatory potshots at his predecessor.  But I found myself nodding in agreement as well with these viewpoints:

Having said that, I must confess my dismay bordering on horror at the amateurism of the White House apparatus for domestic policy. When will heads start to roll? I was glad to see the White House counsel booted, as well as Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, and hope it’s a harbinger of things to come. Except for that wily fox, David Axelrod, who could charm gold threads out of moonbeams, Obama seems to be surrounded by juvenile tinhorns, bumbling mediocrities and crass bully boys.

Case in point: the administration’s grotesque mishandling of healthcare reform, one of the most vital issues facing the nation. Ever since Hillary Clinton’s megalomaniacal annihilation of our last best chance at reform in 1993 (all of which was suppressed by the mainstream media when she was running for president), Democrats have been longing for that happy day when this issue would once again be front and center.

But who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises — or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens. She is doing grievous damage to the party and should immediately step down.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Obama’s aggressive endorsement of a healthcare plan that does not even exist yet, except in five competing, fluctuating drafts, makes Washington seem like Cloud Cuckoo Land. The president is promoting the most colossal, brazen bait-and-switch operation since the Bush administration snookered the country into invading Iraq with apocalyptic visions of mushroom clouds over American cities.

You can keep your doctor; you can keep your insurance, if you’re happy with it, Obama keeps assuring us in soothing, lullaby tones. Oh, really? And what if my doctor is not the one appointed by the new government medical boards for ruling on my access to tests and specialists? And what if my insurance company goes belly up because of undercutting by its government-bankrolled competitor? Face it: Virtually all nationalized health systems, neither nourished nor updated by profit-driven private investment, eventually lead to rationing.

I just don’t get it. Why the insane rush to pass a bill, any bill, in three weeks? And why such an abject failure by the Obama administration to present the issues to the public in a rational, detailed, informational way? The U.S. is gigantic; many of our states are bigger than whole European nations. The bureaucracy required to institute and manage a nationalized health system here would be Byzantine beyond belief and would vampirically absorb whatever savings Obama thinks could be made. And the transition period would be a nightmare of red tape and mammoth screw-ups, which we can ill afford with a faltering economy.

As with the massive boondoggle of the stimulus package, which Obama foolishly let Congress turn into a pork rut, too much has been attempted all at once; focused, targeted initiatives would, instead, have won wide public support. How is it possible that Democrats, through their own clumsiness and arrogance, have sabotaged healthcare reform yet again? Blaming obstructionist Republicans is nonsensical because Democrats control all three branches of government. It isn’t conservative rumors or lies that are stopping healthcare legislation; it’s the justifiable alarm of an electorate that has been cut out of the loop and is watching its representatives construct a tangled labyrinth for others but not for themselves. No, the airheads of Congress will keep their own plush healthcare plan — it’s the rest of us guinea pigs who will be thrown to the wolves.

What does either party stand for these days? Republican politicians, with their endless scandals, are hardly exemplars of traditional moral values. Nor have they generated new ideas for healthcare, except for medical savings accounts, which would be pathetically inadequate in a major crisis for anyone earning at or below a median income.

And what do Democrats stand for, if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the “mob” — a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist, attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure. And as a product of the 1960s, I thought the Democratic party was passionately committed to freedom of thought and speech.

But somehow liberals have drifted into a strange servility toward big government, which they revere as a godlike foster father-mother who can dispense all bounty and magically heal all ills. The ethical collapse of the left was nowhere more evident than in the near total silence of liberal media and Web sites at the Obama administration’s outrageous solicitation to private citizens to report unacceptable “casual conversations” to the White House. If Republicans had done this, there would have been an angry explosion by Democrats from coast to coast. I was stunned at the failure of liberals to see the blatant totalitarianism in this incident, which the president should have immediately denounced. His failure to do so implicates him in it.

This is in fact what Sarah Palin hit on in her shocking image of a “death panel” under Obamacare that would make irrevocable decisions about the disabled and elderly. When I first saw that phrase, headlined on the Drudge Report, I burst out laughing. It seemed so over the top! But on reflection, I realized that Palin’s shrewdly timed metaphor spoke directly to the electorate’s unease with the prospect of shadowy, unelected government figures controlling our lives. A death panel not only has the power of life and death but is itself a symptom of a Kafkaesque brave new world where authority has become remote, arbitrary and spectral. And as in the Spanish Inquisition, dissidence is heresy, persecuted and punished.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.  We need more of this from the rational middle of the political spectrum.  Just as conservatives should not be defined by the lunatic fringe, liberals who refuse to toe the party line are worthy of acknowledgement and respect.

More of this please!

6 thoughts on “What she said

  1. Fortuneate was correct. I mis-spoke about the poll numbers (52% disapproval today). To clarify, 80% say they are satisfied with their health care. Being satisfied and disapproving are 2 different things. 😳 Even I recognize that we do need reform. Just not this reform. I did have a hearty laugh when she (Paglia) referenced slippery promises. “Slick Willy” and all that. Other than the the Inteligence and military, which Bill Clinton seem determined to undermine, he was not a bad president. He in fact reformed welfare. When you applied and had 2 kids you received support at that level. Anymore kids and the premiun did not increase. You were given x-time and in-order to extend that time you had to be in a job training program. All very fair and realistic social goals. I do think he was given far to much credit for the economy. With-in the 1st year (maybe 2) of the Bush administration, Enron, MCI-World Com, Aldelphia and Tyco crashed due to fraud. The sub-prime mortgage fiasco was already brewing. Throw in 9/11 and Bush was dealt a heck of a hand. When someone says that kicking-up a cloud of dust to obscure the issue that’s a fair statement. But isn’t that what the Democrats did with the war protests ignoring all the economic disasters that were happening and brewing? Then blamed everything on Bush. Carter signed the CRA and Clinton enhanced it. That’s why the economy is in the shape it’s in. The CRA (Community Rejuvination Act)though well intentioned (the road to you know where is paved with good intentions) has been an economic nightmare. Questioning this presidents mentors, friends and finacial supporters is fair game in my mind. Asking him to show his records, birth or school, is fair. So why does he not produce them. All other candidates have. I thought McCain not releasing his wifes finacial data was a bit iffy. But, since they were married they have filed seperate tax returns. After all it was her inheritance. And when thay got married McCain was not an elected official. The bottom line to me is that there is a total agenda. Just speaking to a portion, such as health care, does not paint the entire picture.

  2. It goes without saying that Obama is far from perfect. I am not a fan of the cap and trade and I don’t think he should have bailed out the car companies. And I think he needs to get out of campaign mode and just get things done. Say what you want about W., he had an agenda and did it and didn’t care what anyone thought about it. Obama should try it.

    With that said, I think Republicans might want to stop just being the anti-Obama party and maybe come up with some ideas or alternatives. Since everyone agrees we need health care reform maybe they should come up with some solutions to counter Obama’s plan.

    Frank, really. The birther thing. Still? Obama HAS produced his record of birth. In this age of high technology do you really think anyone could pull off a fake birth record and not get caught until AFTER he becomes president?

    Bottom line is he is from this country and loves it every much as you do. He just has a different vision than you. Can’t we disagree with him without calling him a terrorist,a socialist or questioning where he was born? Do you really think he has a hidden agenda to destroy the country?

  3. In this case Fortunate is wrong. 😛 The only thing that has been released is a “Certificate of live Birth”, which in the 60’s anyone could obtain in the state of Hawaii. There-in is the controversy. A Certificate of live Birth was/is used to establish state residency so that you can obtain a drivers license, register for school….ect. A true “Birth Certificate” lists the hospital, doctor, county and city of birth. Anyone can goto the official “Obama” web site and see that what is shown is the C of L B. Not the actual birth certificate. I personally don’t care. Again, what I am concerned about are his policys, associations and agenda. Throw in the lies about those associations and the fabrications/exaggerations in his book “The Dreams of my Father”. I personally just don’t trust this guy. His father had a number (?) of illegitimate children that he did not support. Heck even Obama was dumped on his grandparents after his mothers death with no support from the father. Yet he chooses to “Lionize” him in the book (his father was a local leader/politician in Kenya) simply to imply he was raised in/by a family of public service.

  4. Frank, the only thing Hawaii offered in the 60’s was a certificate of live birth. That is why that is the only thing he released, because it is all he has. There was also a birth annoucement in the local paper that day. But I am sure all that was planted because they new decades later he would make a run for President. Obama’s evil plan to socialize america and kill the elderly started back in 1961 with the bougs request for the “certificate of live birth”.

    I find it amusing that you say you don’t care. If you truly don’t care then why did you bring it up?

    And now his books are bad too?

    I bet Obama hates kittens too. And I heard he kicks his dog.

  5. I don’t know about kicking his dog but if he ate one then maybe I could go for that. Delicious!!!

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