What, me worry?

So everyone seems to be speculating these days on what’s next from crazy ol’ Kim Jong Il.  Well, your guess is as good as mine.  The commonly held view seems to be that we can expect some type of provacative act, likely in or near the Northern Limit Line (the extension of the DMZ into the Yellow Sea).  Could be a naval engagement or perhaps even an invasion of one of the coastal islands.  Unlike his predecessor, President Lee will probably be disinclined to let such an act go answered.  Whether it stops at a tit for tat remains to be seen.

I’m thinking Kim will wait and see if the UN Security Council does anything more than issue “a strongly worded letter”.  If so, that may trigger him to lash out in some form or fashion.  At least, that has been his modus operandi in the past.  Rumor has it that sanctions, if they are coming, would be announced this week.  So I suppose it’s wait and see time around here.

You know, people from home seem a lot more concerned about the current state of affairs here on the peninsula than those of us living here.  Again, this is pretty much old hat and it is only the uninformed who believe that the Norks ever respected any international agreements to which they are a party.  Make no mistake, military planning and preparations are ongoing, but that is as it should be regardless.  Just some new possible contingencies to take into account is my observation.  Certainly, it is business a usual for the Korean people who have been living under north Korean threats for generations. 

I’m not worried or overly concerned.  I guess the fact that I’m even thinking and writing about this issue now is about the only thing different from my perspective.  While the Norks could rain some fire and destruction down on our heads, it would be suicide to do so.  And my take on it is that everything the DPRK does is calculated to ensure perpetuation of the regime.  There is always the chance that they will miscalculate and overplay thier hand I suppose, but I also expect China will not sit back indefinitely and let things get too far out of hand.

Of course, not everyone has such a sanguine view of things.  Commenter Dennis from Florida left the following comment on an earlier post:

As heard on Coast to Coast AM. (www.coasttocoastam.com), probably a month or so ago, an interview of the somewhat famed ‘remote viewer’ Major Ed Dames, USA, (Ret). Ed predicts, via multiple remote viewing the future ‘hits’ from amongst his Matrix Intelligence Agency staff and many students of his program, too many to count, that a major event is going to occur on the Korean Peninsula within six months of the programs airing, which would make it more like within maybe four months or maybe even less from this point in time. Specifics of the situation are not revealed other than to say that many, many lives will be lost among South Koreans to include many 8th Army assigned personnel/forces. Speculation seems to center on the probability of a ‘fairly small yield’ nuke, maybe, from NK into probably the Seoul area. This strike, it was predicted, will result in prompt and complete retaliation against the North (probably by combined US/ROK forces) resulting in pretty much cessation of NK as it is formally constituted currently.

So, there you have it. When these predictions were made it is worth noting, K J IL was still recovering from a probable stroke and none of his spin-up in missile firings, nuke testing’s, suspension of the ‘Armistice’, etc, had yet occurred, nor had,obviously, the more recent capture (kid-napping) of the two Asian journalists, their trials and subsequent sentencing’s or other incidents of intrigue. So, these things noted, events would seem to be moving in the direction of, certainly, some form of confrontation, surely evidenced, as well, by the recently announced leadership changes and the greatly ramped-up saber-rattling that is going on currently. You can check it further by going to www.learnrv.com, which is Ed Dames’ web-site or can do a general search on it and will surely find more details than I have cited here.

As a final note, Ed Dames is indeed a former USArmy, now retired, Intelligence Officer and now CEO of the somewhat successful organization named the Matrix Intelligence Agency – the MIA employs these remote viewing techniques and skills under contract, to learn and predict all sorts of things for it’s clients – apparently has a great track record and has made a ton of money too. Back in the 80’s Ed was an original member of a cadre of Army personnel who took part in a highly classified USA pilot program which was then called ‘Stargate’ – true story. The program was held at DIA and was very successful but was subsequently disbanded apparently due to political pressures, which would not surprise me in the least – it was subsequently declassified, as well, obviously. At the time I was a USAF Intelligence officer and visited the DIA regularly for many, many conferences and meetings, but I never heard of this program till about three years ago and after the emergence of ‘remote viewing’ as a ‘taught discipline’. Remote viewing is a technique whereby the future is discerned through a strictly controlled protocol of psychic-type concentration – it apparently taps into the universal consciousness we are all a part of, yeah, really, and by every measure I’ve been able to discern, it indeed truly seems to work.

Yeah, even vocalizing, these things seems probably a bit over the top and probably hard to believe. And of course, I’m not trying to convince anyone, simply reporting what I have listened to and looked in to, and the potential linkage to the ‘time for change’ blog entry of John’s.

So, as we used to say back in the day, I guess we can all ‘hide and watch’. Since I listened to the original program back a couple months ago, I’ve had one eye sort of trained on the subject, waiting and watching the drift…….. given the unfolding events, nearly daily almost now, seems to be something there, something to it, I would have to observe. There were numerous other quite interesting and some would say even profound ‘predictions’ made during the program, as well……..which I won’t go in to here, but the mention of the Korea thing seemed worth a comment. Hey, stranger things have happened.

Time will tell I suppose.  But I’m sleeping just fine.

UPDATE:  Upon re-reading, my poor sentence construction may have left the impression that I thought anyone taking the situation here more serious than me was “uninformed”. My intent was people who only read the MSM and see “Kim renounces Armistice” might think things are worse than they are. Kim has never kept true to the terms of the Armistice, so that statement is not particular cause for alarm.

6 thoughts on “What, me worry?

  1. Please delete the first post error, above.

    Thanks for the attention, John, but a couple of things.

    – first, you haven’t connected your dots…. meaning…….this change you introduced and are talking about….is it regime/leadership change or is it something else…..??

    – Second, N offense I, but the commentary I posted is not MY view…..I just reported it, though certainly, I do note that events seem surely to be drifting, as it were, in the direction of the prognosticator.

    Two things auger in favor of escalated confrontation, in my only partially informed view:

    – first, the oft and duly noted point that the NORKs have never, make that never-ever, honored ANY commitment they have ever made…..they have stuck it in the eye of the free world, the US and Japanese, primarily, but by extension, everyone else too….. every single time any circumstance has permitted – truth recognized, they have NEVER honored the armistice since it was initially signed, so by saying they reject it now is just rhetoric more than anything else. Yes, the free world has given billions, that’s billions with a B, to them and gotten zero good will in response. So why is this, we always ask……. which brings me to my second point….

    – which is, that the regime is ruled by insane people at the helm, reinforced by perks for the top tier and brutality down the line….no exceptions, ever. What is the old saying…… the definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. Well, by that definition it would potentially seem that the free world is acting insanely, too, in dealing with the certified idiot in the north. But one thing seems sure, and it is the primary bit of this second point – namely, that when you are dealing with a psychotic, Def: break from reality…. nothing is unexpected and anything is possible. Kim and his blood-line are insane and it’s probably genetic, but whatever the cause it doesn’t matter – the end expectation is that he and “they” are truly capable of any heinous act, even one that might bring their own demise. IMV after decades of threats and provocations and preparedness by them, it’s even probable. Shakespeare wrote plays about it hundreds of years ago in his observations of the human condition, even – so one could say it may even be inevitable.

    I spent four years in Korea and though I understand your point that when ‘in country’ you tend to take the NORKs actions with a grain of salt, so to speak, and life goes on…. but up close or farther away, the truth is the threat is very real, IMV, and never in greater potential, STM, to serious hostilities from the north than now. The proximity of Seoul to the DMZ has always been a bad situation, as everyone knows, but after the NORKs development and acquisition of nukes and some form of reasonably reliable delivery system, a very grave circumstance, indeed. Over the years there have been many, many initiatives to deal with this issue, none which have really come to fruition, as you know. This is really the key thing and the psychopath in the north has that single point well memorized.

    Thanks for listening.

  2. Dennis, I did not mean to imply that the comment I posted was your view, it seemed clear it was you sharing someone else’s commentary. Re-reading now, I guess it was a little ambiguous.

    Also, upon re-reading, my poor sentence construction may have left the impression that I thought anyone taking the situation here more serious than me was “uninformed”. My intent was people who only read the MSM and see “Kim renounces Armistice” might think things are worse than they are. Kim has never kept true to the terms of the Armistice, so that statement is not particular cause for alarm.

    To be sure, USFK and the ROKs are taking the situation seriously and are fully prepared to respond with whatever force necessary should the NORKs make a foolish decision…

  3. John,
    As usual, your gentlemanly apology is unnecessary…. if anything my own comment seemed a bit knee-jerkish in the re-read…… and sounded like you were saying it was my opinion when you really weren’t.

    So, I’m the one to apologize……and am quite sure you are taking things there seriously……. even so, life goes on, as progressive life underway in ROK clearly shows – that’s got to be another thorn under the saddle of the IL, Mr. K.

    In any case, given the events of the day it’s a good discussion, even though we, your bloggers, still don’t know for sure what your ‘time for a change’ implies.

    No worries.

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