…makes you stronger. Or so they say. To which I’d respond “bullshit”. I mean, if you survive a skydiving accident but are paralyzed, you’re fucked, but not stronger. Now, if you say it only hurts until the pain goes away, that’s a sentiment I can get behind.
Anyway, I ain’t been killed (yet) and I’m sober and feeling no pain, so I reckon things are right with the world. At least for now. Actually, I do have red and itchy eyes, but I’ve got a doctor appointment for that tomorrow. But I think good luck is a big part of good health. After all, here in the Philippines we are just a mosquito bite away from the dreaded dengue fever. Which has reached epidemic proportions recently.
The Philippines has declared a “national dengue epidemic” after at least 622 people lost their lives from the mosquito-borne disease this year.
At least 146,000 cases were recorded from January to 20 July – a 98% increase on the same period last year – the health department said.
I take the normal precautions like wearing repellent and turning on the bug zapper in my bedroom every night. Honestly, as much as I am outside I rarely get bit. And the mosquitoes buzzing around my head when I’m trying to sleep was much worse in Korea than it is here. Here’s to hoping my good luck continues!
Rumor has it that some ISIS-type suicide bombers have been tracked to the Olongapo-Subic area. But you know what, there ain’t much I can do with that type of information. I hope it’s not true and if it is, I hope they get caught before innocents get hurt, but otherwise I’m not going to change my lifestyle to avoid a potential terrorist. I’ll continue to go out and have a blast in the bars. Er, let me rephrase that…
I was a little surprised to see this report that the Philippines ranks pretty highly (well, middle of the pack anyway) in safety from crime. Higher than places like Korea and France even. Well, it’s a survey about how safe people feel, so it may be more accurate to say the perception of safety from crime. I take the normal precautions of course, but here in Barretto I do feel safe, even when I’m stumbling down walking the streets at night. On the other hand, I never had that sense of security in Manila or Angeles City. Well, shit happens. Even in places like El Paso and Dayton. I’m not going to lose sleep worrying about it, that’s for sure.
Speaking of being lucky, how about this dog that fell off a six story roof, crashed through the sunroof of a parked car, and survived with minor injuries. Amazing. And I though my dog was Lucky!

It was weird the other night though. Lucky went after Buddy and he was NOT playing around. I have no idea what set him off, it wasn’t over food or anything like that. I thought it was interesting to see Buddy back off the way he did. Maybe he was as surprised as I was. Buddy still has some size over Lucky, but not nearly as much as he used to. Will be interesting to see if Lucky takes over as the alpha male canine of the house. I do frequently remind them both however, that I am the real BIG DOG around here.
Raining off and on (of course) today, but I managed to get my steps in anyway. Baby back ribs in the slow cooker and darts on tap for tonight. And life goes on!
We were never meant to worry
The way that people do
And I don’t need to hurry
As long as I’m with you
We’ll take it nice and easy
And use my simple plan
You’ll be my lovin’ woman
I’ll be your lovin’ man
We’ll take the most from living
Have pleasure while we can
re: crime and perception of crime
I normally feel perfectly safe walking around Seoul. I never felt that safe in DC. As for European cities… big cities like Nice, Marseilles, Paris, Geneva, and Stockholm are fairly crime-ridden these days.
When I was in Paris last year, I got accosted by a beggar who tried to escalate his requests for money after I gave him a couple euros (he suddenly said he also needed 30 euros for a pair of shoes).
I didn’t experience any of the tourist nightmares caught on video, in which African guys drop a bracelet in your unwitting hand, then demand you pay for it. Then, when you try to give the bracelet back and step away, they accuse you of racism and surround you with some of their buddies. At that point, most tourists simply pay ten euros just to get the fuck out of there.
This is why the term “shithole” is being bandied about with ever-increasing frequency when people talk about Europe. Now, outside the big cities, Europe still looks and feels like Europe. But it’s a shame that the cities, which are centers of culture, are becoming unlivable—which is true in the US as well, if Portland, LA, San Fran, and Seattle are examples. Human shit, tent cities, piss odor, vandalism, and needles will be our legacy. Maybe they already are.
All of which is why your lovely photos of your local area are a relief to the eye. So much green. So many smiles.
Yeah, I hear you! Actually, I never felt unsafe in Seoul, even in Itaewon. But what you say about those big European cities and what is happening in the USA is just plain sad.
And yes, as poverty-stricken as folks are in these parts they take it all in stride. Happy for what they have and always appreciative of anything you give them to make life just a little easier. It really is one of the best parts about living here.