…that hasn’t already been said before? Well, I’ve never let boring repetition stop me, so here goes nothing.
I’ve been trying to take a step back from all the doomsday hype about the COVID-19 virus. I certainly hope it’s not going to be the death of me but if it gets me (or I get it) I’m probably a goner. I read a description of the effects the virus has on its victims and it ain’t pretty once it’s in your lungs. Made me think back to my recent bout with bronchitis and how difficult that was due to the COPD damage I live with daily. Which led me to imagine the suffering I’d experience without relief under an overwhelmed Philippines health care system. Yeah, if I catch this virus I’m pretty much a goner. Today’s headline was that the government is implementing its emergency plan and has activated all the barangay offices nationwide. I’m thinking that’s good. Then I recall the competence of the local barangay and I’m thinking “oh shit”. Oh well. I’m still breathing for now.
In the meantime, life goes on. And a man has got to eat.
Life is good. As long as it lasts.
And now I’ve said everything there is to say. Again.
UPDATE: Over at the Big Hominid, Kevin Kim shares a link that offers some reassurance that the end of the world is not at hand. I’ve also heard some speculation that COVID-19 doesn’t spread well in a hot climate. And it’s been hot here in the Philippines. Time will tell I suppose.
Quit worrying. Worst case scenario for you is that you have to drink at home and do your own laundry
Two things:
1. Cornbread seems to have a “high sugar tolerance,” for lack of a better term. You can dump a ton of sugar into the batter before you start to taste any real sweetness in the final product. I think I’ve mentioned before that Costco, in the States, puts out a cornbread pre-mix that is my favorite cornbread recipe. And it’s sweet. I shudder to think about how much sugar they had to dump into the mix to get it that sweet.
2. Regarding COVID-19 and hot climates: one of the big puzzles that scientists all over the globe are dealing with is whether this virus is seasonal, like the typical flu. If it does turn out to be seasonal, which we’ll all know in a few months, then that’ll be great news. Come summer, the epidemic will be burning itself out. If not (and I’m betting on “not”), then we’re in for a long period of tribulation. That said, stay optimistic, exercise common sense, and don’t listen to those idiots who say that putting more alcohol into your bloodstream will protect you from the virus. An alcohol-based disinfectant, to be effective, has to be at least a 70% solution. You’ll be dead long before your blood-alcohol content reaches 1%. (This chart says death is possible at around 0.4% BAC.)
Thanks, guys. I’m not stressing out with worry, just thinking ahead a little too much perhaps. Nothing to be done at this point but wait and see what happens. I’ve been planning a trip to Thailand in July and I’m a little concerned about paying for tickets without knowing what the situation on the ground there is going to look like in the coming months. The last thing I want to do is be quarantined. Or not allowed back into the Philippines should a travel ban from there be implemented. Oh, and for the record, I drink San Mig Zero beer which is only 3% alcohol. Even folks advocating booze as a way of inoculating yourself are talking about the hard stuff. I agree that won’t likely work either (unless killing your liver helps).
I had a cornbread mix that actually came with a packet of brown and a packet of white sugar. It was really great tasting but I’ve not found that brand here since. I thought the honey would be a healthy alternative, but now I know I’d need lots more for it to make a difference. Oh well.
It’s actually super-easy to make your own cornbread as long as you can find cornmeal or masa harina (corn flour, not to be confused with cornstarch). Brown sugar is basically white sugar plus molasses, which gives your recipe a bit more savoriness. Let me know if you want a simple recipe. Gathering the ingredients doesn’t take much more work than buying a boxed cornbread mix.