That’s one thing about being retired. All the days are pretty much the same and you can do pretty much whatever you please. Still, you tend to fall into a rhythm associated with activities that normally occur on any given day. Yesterday featured the Wednesday Sausage Walkers group followed by the darts tourney at Alley Cats.
Regarding the darts, I confess that I have not been motivated to practice. But you wouldn’t know it based on the way I threw last night. Most of my throws were on target and I was consistently hitting my “out” shots. Of course, it didn’t hurt that I drew Christy, the top female player in Barretto as my partner. We were expected to win and we didn’t disappoint. In fact, we never lost a leg, winning all our matches 2-0 in the best of three format.
I guess you could technically call it a tie for first. As is my custom, I offered the other team the chance to forego the final round and split the 1st and 2nd place money 50-50. It was after 10 p.m. and we were all tired. I’m confident we would have beat them for the second time that night, but why bother over a couple hundred pesos?
I was more tired than usual because the Wednesday walk was pretty strenuous. We climbed the “big” mountain that separates Barretto from Olongapo City. By big, I mean that the mountain My Bitch crosses is approximately 100 meters of uphill. Our hike yesterday was around 250 meters of elevation. It being sunny and hot didn’t make it any easier, but I was still glad to not be hiking in the rain.
Anyway, with the improved weather, we had a big turnout of walkers, twelve all told. Nice scenery as usual and only one injury. For some inexplicable reason, someone had strung a strand of barbed wire across the trail–at head height. Gunter, who was leading the pack, walked right into it (like most of us do, he was looking down at the trail so didn’t see the wire). He got a gash on his forehead, but it didn’t appear deep enough for stitches. I teased he’d make a good Frankenstein for Halloween. Ah well, it can always be worse.
Here are some photos from the day’s march:
Waiting to head out for adventure from Angel’s bakery…We started our climb up these stairs off Abra street. Steep they were. Made me reminisce about all those times I climbed Namsan.The concrete steps gave way to rubber. Man was I tired!Soon enough, we were climbing the old school way. That’s me with the black backpack by the way…Up and up we go. You might notice that even up in the mountains there is no escaping the litter.Well, people do live up there on the mountainside. I’m sure it is a tough life. And I guess disposing of their trash properly is the least of their worries. A sad situation.Onward and upward.A brief rest near the top…And a look back at Barretto…Now, that’s more like it! The climbing is tough on these old lungs of mine, but I do really enjoy being up there on trail…We took a lunch break. At this resort on top of the mountain we had just climbed. It was really a pretty nice place. We were the only visitors, but maybe it’s busier on weekends. I asked one of the veterans in our group where do people come from who visit here? He said Olongapo. How do they get up here? They walk. Yep, there is no road. I can’t imagine why they built here. I guess it’s a Filipino thing.Some of the group chillin’ out at our private resort.Time to head back home. Crossing a creek…Horsing around.Ride ’em, cowgirls!Down we go…Our destination, Cheap Charlies, awaits below. I can almost taste the cold beer!As usual, I’m always bringing up the rear. At least on Wednesdays, my fellow hikers wait for me to catch up. Usually.A little over 7K of hard mountain walking!
And that was my Wednesday.
7 thoughts on “What a Wednesday”
That resort is an amazing concept: pedestrians only! Fascinating. The idea would never fly in the States, though: most of us are too fat and out of shape to walk up a mountain to reach a resort: we’d need ski lifts, elevators, and golf carts to get around. I hope this resort gets enough visitors to stay financially afloat.
I’d heard of it but never seen it before. It’s far from new, but well maintained. I’m guessing they must do alright. I saw a sign advertising Red Horse beer, a particularly strong brew the locals enjoy. Can’t imagine coming down that mountain after a couple of bottles of that stuff! Maybe the resort offers rooms with a drunken discount rate…
Building the resort must have been quite the endeavor.
Sorry John! But I had a comment for Kevin’s blog and can’t seem to post there.
The seal under your toilet is the problem … the damage you’re seeing is the caulking which is not a great idea because it prevents signs of leakage. The “plumber” needs to lift the toilet and replace the seal. It is usually made of wax and eventually cracks. Not a big deal but, I would turn off the toilet water supply when you’re away.
Wednesday is Hump Day! Now get out there and Hump someone my friend. No Ladyboy’s though. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Peace Out!
John, I know on occasion you post updates on your diet / weight but I just want to say that in those pictures you are looking great. half the man you used to be!!
“That’s me with the black backpack by the way…” at first I thought which black backpack does he mean? then I thought no he got this wrong he was taking the picture he isn’t in this.
Great work fella!! recommend some unhealthy food this weekend as a reward or you may waste away to nothing!!
Thanks, Brandon. Kevin’s comments are moderated, but they do eventually show up…I’ll pass along your info to him.
Soju, Well, if it was a Ladyboy she’d likely be humping me, right? “I know she’s a real girl…I can feel it inside of me…”
Thirsty, thanks! Back in my Itaewon heyday, I was around 270 pounds. I’m at 200 now and still looking to drop ten more. I doubt I’ll ever lose the beer belly though, I loves my beer too much!
Sorry, but your comment never showed up in my blog’s comment queue, so I guess it’s with the cybergods, now.
John did indeed pass your information along to me, though, so my thanks to both you and John for the useful info. A Stateside friend of mine also mentioned the need to check on the toilet’s wax ring; I’ll be repairing the toilet myself once I’m back from my walk. Thanks again for the sage advice!
That resort is an amazing concept: pedestrians only! Fascinating. The idea would never fly in the States, though: most of us are too fat and out of shape to walk up a mountain to reach a resort: we’d need ski lifts, elevators, and golf carts to get around. I hope this resort gets enough visitors to stay financially afloat.
I’d heard of it but never seen it before. It’s far from new, but well maintained. I’m guessing they must do alright. I saw a sign advertising Red Horse beer, a particularly strong brew the locals enjoy. Can’t imagine coming down that mountain after a couple of bottles of that stuff! Maybe the resort offers rooms with a drunken discount rate…
Building the resort must have been quite the endeavor.
Sorry John! But I had a comment for Kevin’s blog and can’t seem to post there.
The seal under your toilet is the problem … the damage you’re seeing is the caulking which is not a great idea because it prevents signs of leakage. The “plumber” needs to lift the toilet and replace the seal. It is usually made of wax and eventually cracks. Not a big deal but, I would turn off the toilet water supply when you’re away.
Wednesday is Hump Day! Now get out there and Hump someone my friend. No Ladyboy’s though. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Peace Out!
John, I know on occasion you post updates on your diet / weight but I just want to say that in those pictures you are looking great. half the man you used to be!!
“That’s me with the black backpack by the way…” at first I thought which black backpack does he mean? then I thought no he got this wrong he was taking the picture he isn’t in this.
Great work fella!! recommend some unhealthy food this weekend as a reward or you may waste away to nothing!!
Thanks, Brandon. Kevin’s comments are moderated, but they do eventually show up…I’ll pass along your info to him.
Soju, Well, if it was a Ladyboy she’d likely be humping me, right? “I know she’s a real girl…I can feel it inside of me…”
Thirsty, thanks! Back in my Itaewon heyday, I was around 270 pounds. I’m at 200 now and still looking to drop ten more. I doubt I’ll ever lose the beer belly though, I loves my beer too much!
Sorry, but your comment never showed up in my blog’s comment queue, so I guess it’s with the cybergods, now.
John did indeed pass your information along to me, though, so my thanks to both you and John for the useful info. A Stateside friend of mine also mentioned the need to check on the toilet’s wax ring; I’ll be repairing the toilet myself once I’m back from my walk. Thanks again for the sage advice!