Not that it matters much to me. Christmas doesn’t mean a lot without family and I’m far away from family. So tomorrow will pretty much be just another day I suppose. Well, I’ve got an invite to a party I’ll probably attend, so there’s that.
It’s interesting that this is the time of year when acquaintances (I’m talking about Filipinas here) contact you out of the blue with a hearty Christmas greeting. Followed with “where’s my gift?” At first, I thought it was a joke, but after seeing the behavior repeated numerous times I guess it is just a thing. And I’ve been here long enough now to reject such requests out of hand. Well, unless there’s some quid pro quo involved. One gal I kinda had a crush on when she worked at Cheap Charlies gave the gift solicitation greeting the other day. It had been months since I’d heard from her and there seemed to be some desperation and urgency in this request. She has two kids and no job so I imagine things are tough for her. So, instead of a gift, I offered her a part-time job. Nothing dirty, I’m honestly looking for a replacement for my departed masseuse. Of course, a willingness to provide “extra” services would earn extra pay, but that’s not required. I enjoy a regular massage just fine. Anyway, this gal rejected the offer out of hand. I guess things aren’t as desperate as they appear.
Mary, the 22-year old I met a while back but haven’t seen recently, has also been sending me messages wanting to “get together”. I resisted her entreaties because the few times I’d been with her previously were unsatisfying. Especially the last one. But last night after a few beers in a moment of weakness I messaged her that we could meet at 1 p.m. today. When I woke up this morning and saw she hadn’t responded, I breathed a sigh of relief and messaged her “nevermind”. I was surprised she took it so poorly (she told me she was crying) and reminded her that she had not bothered to confirm our appointment so I had made other plans. See? I’m getting better at this!
I guess my helpers are having some friends over tonight for some food and drinking. I’ll be making myself scarce for that event.
And that’s where things stand with me on this Christmas Eve. Here are some photos from yesterday’s hike you might enjoy (Scott took most of these):

Merry Christmas in advance! Where’s my gift?

Were there no pandemic, I suppose you should travel to the US and be with your family if that’s your thing. Not all Americans are that family-oriented, of course… many actually dread meeting relatives during the holidays. I suppose it also depends on what is meant by “family.” For me, a “family” gathering would have meant my immediate family—not uncles, aunts, and cousins. I’ve never been much for gatherings involving extended family: I never see those folks during the year, and we have nothing to talk about whenever we do gather, once in a blue moon. In terms of immediate family, it’s now just me and my brothers. Mom’s dead, Dad’s part of another family (and we don’t talk to him, anyway), and that’s about it. Alas, my brother David is in northern Virginia, and Sean’s now in Chicago. Getting together requires more than just the alignment of the planets these days.
That said, a joyous Yuletide to you. Enjoy tomorrow’s party.
Sorry. Rewrite:
“Were there no pandemic, I suppose you COULD travel to the US and be with your family if that’s your thing.”
Yeah, my intention upon retirement was to travel back to South Carolina once a year for a couple of weeks to see the kids and grands. That’s really all there is for me back ‘home’. Didn’t make it last year and of course, this year has been a nightmare. The extended family is scattered around the country and I have little to no expectation I’ll see most of them again in this lifetime. Not that it matters.
I know you are close to your brothers. You guys may have to schedule reunions in some exotic meeting place periodically. Might as well if everyone has to travel anyway!
Merry Christmas, Kevin. Thanks for all the comments here and the advice you’ve bestowed over the years. I’ve listened to it all and actually taken some of it!