Trees please me

My solo walk yesterday was nothing new, so there was not much to see that I hadn’t seen before. On a whim, I decided to focus on trees and snap a photo of the ones I liked. Hey, whatever gets you through the hike, right?

You’ve seen this one before. It is the sentinel being shadowed by Easter Mountain as you take the back way out of Alta Vista.
Getting back to my roots. Sometimes the wind through the branches sounds like Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing.” Okay, I made that last part up.
Alone on the hill
Up on the roof
Twistin’ the day away
A gnarly trunk
A goat stand
This must be a male tree. I can tell by those coconuts.
What a pretty girl you are
I was whupped after 6K on mostly flat ground

But the best part of the day was yet to come. I kept my promise to take Swan to Pugon Corner (I’d been spelling it wrong) for dinner. But we walked to the Outback Resort for a drink before we ate.

Our quest for beach views post-floating bar season continues. Outback offers this one, and it ain’t bad.
I’m not sure why I don’t visit here more often.
We’ve only just begun

A glass of wine and a couple of beers later, we grabbed a trike for Pugon Corner.

We don’t visit here often, primarily because it is inconveniently located out on Jasmine Street, well off the beaten path.
But a promise is a promise
It’s a clean, well-lighted place
We were the only customers at 6 p.m. on a Thursday
Some of the menu options

I couldn’t decide between pulled pork and grilled chicken wings, so I got both.

The pork
The wings
Swan had the grilled pork belly

I’d rate the food average. Cheaper than the best place for grilled meats (Texas Joe’s on SBMA) but smaller portions. Swan’s craving was satisfied, so mission accomplished.

Chowing down

After dinner, we did our nightcap at Wet Spot.

Swan’s old pal, Aine, was at work this time, so they enjoyed catching up.

And so ended another day in paradise.

According to this, there was a time when the Philippines was more advanced than some of its neighbors in Asia:

These street scenes are all (allegedly) from the same time period. I wonder what changed?

Fourteen years ago, it was another of those all-too-familiar going-away parties in Itaewon. Soldiers generally only stayed for two or three years before shipping out. On this day, we said our goodbyes to Dan (the guy on the far right).

Six years ago, my Buddy moved in with me:

He was a bit freaked out by the change in his circumstances.

In today’s YouTube video offering, Reekay delves into that age-old question, “Why do expats stay in toxic relationships?” Why does anyone?

It took a while, but I finally found a good one for me.

I’ve got some special Ricky Gervais wisdom for you today:

It really should be as simple as that. You do you, and I’ll do me.
How would I know?

Alright, now for the punny stuff:

Hard to argue with that logic
And the other type post crap like this.

It looks like we are going to be doing an SOB tonight. Assuming all goes well, I’ll be back with more drivel tomorrow.

6 thoughts on “Trees please me

  1. This must be a male tree. I can tell by those coconuts.

    I realize you’re joking, but if those are seeds (and coconuts are), the tree is female. Don’t misgender the tree! You’ll hurt its feelings.

    Some of the menu options

    Menu looks good. I’d have gone for pulled pork, smoked brisket, smoked sausage, and burnt-end candies. Those sound good.

    It took a while, but I finally found a good one for me.

    I suspect one of the deepest reasons for staying in a toxic relationship is that people are too fucking lazy to make the effort to break away. Easier to suffer and stay put than to claw your way out. “Better the devil you know” and all that.


    Oh, the pain. Like a scrote-grabbing dwarf, bad puns always reach for low-hanging fruit.

    Enjoy your SOB.

  2. It’s a good thing you can walk in a normal manner, John. My leg has been killing me recently to the point where I am limping and wondering if the ex injected me with something while I was passed out. Somehow I managed to shuffle my ass down to the bus stop to head to the local Walmart for a beer & mouthwash run, despite my gimpy leg. I tried not to roll my eyes as I checked out and the little self-checkout screen announced “assistant needed”. A lot of people say I look younger than I am but, buddy, I sincerely wish I looked under 21. Walmart grunt comes over and asks for ID without even looking at me; he doesn’t even glance at my passport before he chuckles “oh yeah, I remember you”. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

    Ended up having to get a Lyft home, as much as I hate spending money on them. I ended up buying too much to carry and gimpy leg was feeling especially gimpy that afternoon. Had a nice Lyft driver though. Normally I hate the talkative ones; I tend to use the ex as social ablative armor for dealing with talkers, but this one was different. She was a dead-ringer for Zendaya, about as far from my type as you can get, but she had this wonderful, smoky, voice, I was entranced by. She’s not from here and we had quite an interesting discussion about our experiences as out-of-towners or transplants. I was tempted to ask for her phone number, or even her address so she knew I meant business. Shyness and an urgent need to drink and urinate overtook whatever compulsions I might have had brewing within.

    I remember when I was concerned about the roaches I’d find crawling in my shoes and under my pillows, but I think the roaches have been displaced by mice. I’ve lived in this apartment for almost 3 years now and never had a problem with mice. But in the last few weeks they seem to be ganging up on the place. I thought the first few times Morgoth the Third caught one it was just a fluke; strays in the yard. But now they’re in my house. I was shuffling to the bathroom for a piss and explosive shit the other day when I happened to see one literally standing on my oven top, defiantly staring at me. Morgoth the Third is either lazy, or the massively crowded counter can’t support him chasing them down, but that doesn’t make a difference. I was on a chat to my good friend Sir Daley when Morgoth the Third seemed to find a mouse, and it was at ground-level! He was thrashing around, slapping at things, and overall seemed tense in his body language. He’d been doing that for a few days before the first mouse showed itself. He seemingly had one cornered behind the tv and I thought I was helping him by knocking a broom in and around the tv stand. Sure enough Morgoth the Third caught him, and it was somewhat grimly amusing to watch the mouse’s tail pinwheeling out of Morgoth the Third’s mouth, but he let the little blighter down and was confused when the mouse promptly ran away. Like, FFS dude. The mouse ended up diving into my bedroom closet where I’ve got like 2-3ft of clothing piled up, and Morgoth the Third didn’t seem clued up the mouse ran there. I could see it scrambling through my clothes and tried to catch it so I could release it down the road, but when it dashed under a thick-heeled shoe of mine and I pressed down to catch it…yeah, I kinda don’t feel all that great about the results. Still, what’s another stain amongst many, eh?

    Speaking of stains, I think it’s time to continue staining my internal organs. Cheers!

  3. That picture of South Korea was how it looked when I was stationed there in 1963. Did have a good time though.

  4. Thompson, nothing like a game of cat and mouse to brighten your day! When the most drama you encounter is squashing a rodent, I’d say you done good. Too bad you didn’t hook up with the Lyft driver–that might have made for some real excitement. You gotta answer that door when opportunity knocks. Hope the rest of your day went well and that your leg is feeling better. Happy drinking!

    “Those who fail to learn from the brutal stompings visited on them in the past are doomed to be brutally stomped in the future.”
    Hunter S. Thompson

  5. “Don’t misgender the tree!”

    Sorry, but the tree identifies as male, and I’m going to respect its choice.

    I didn’t photograph it, but the other page on that menu includes dinner platters loaded with a variety of smoked meats. Pricey, but enough food for several diners. They might even offer your preferred combo.

    Yes, I’ve been guilty of taking the easy way with toxic women.

    So, what you are saying is that it takes balls to pun the way I do? Thanks!

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