It’s been a nada kind of day. Which is a helluva lot better than a bad day, that’s for sure.
Just the routine rituals…walking the dog, walking my increasingly fat old self, taking a nap.
So yeah, the on again off again thing with Marissa has been off for awhile now. We’ve taken some tentative steps towards maintaining some kind of friendship. So far that has entailed meeting up for a few beers and songs at the karaoke joint. I enjoy the occasional company I suppose. And honestly I’m getting back into the “love who needs it?” mode. Well, I say that but my mind could be changed. For now I just want to play the field, such as it is. Had several prospects from the dating sites on the line but I’ve just not been able to return their enthusiasm. I feel shitty about that. Not intentionally playing with their emotions, but I’m going to put myself first for a change. No more “Mr. Nice Guy” and all that crap. Or so I say…
Did a little more poetry reading this afternoon, and came across this in one of my James Kavanaugh books:

I found this poem bookmarked by an old rose I must have given to a former love. I’m not sure if the rose was placed there randomly or not, but the poem does resonate with me…
Everything can change, for good or ill, in the blink of an eye. I’m just going to enjoy the ride as best I can.
And while I wait to meet there is always meat.
And now I reckon I’ll head out to throw some darts and quaff some brews on this best of all possible Friday nights.
Faded photograph
Covered now with lines and creases
Tickets torn in half
Memories in bits and pieces
Traces of love long ago
That didn’t work out right
Traces of love
I close my eyes and say a prayer
That in her heart she’ll find
A trace of love still there
“Increasingly fat old self.” Get your lower lip off the ground. To bad I am to far away because that comment concerns me. I would kick your ass.
Get back up.
Haha…no worries…I gained some weight during my USA vacation, but I’m getting back on the program….no need to kick my ass!