Survived another Hash despite the best efforts of the Hare, Leech My Nuggets.

Actually, at first, I was pleasantly surprised. We did the big mountain but the climb up was via the ridge road, the easiest way to the top. Relatively speaking anyway.

So once we were up on top, a couple of us were openly speculating about what lay in store for us. When we started heading back down a little-used trail, Buddy Fucker said: “this can’t be right, it’s too soon”. Well, I’ve always given Leech credit for being the best there is at marking a trail, so there was no question we were on the intended path.

Honestly, it was a reasonably pleasant hike down. Still, in the back of my mind, I knew we were a long way from our On-Home at Baloy Beach and I feared that meant at least one more climb was in my future. Nothing to be done about that now, so I decided to just enjoy my unfamiliar surroundings.

It was a tougher uphill than the first one, but certainly nothing as bad as Günter likes to put us through. Of course, if we had been more forward-thinking we’d have just stayed on the ridge road and avoided the additional ups and downs. But where’s the fun in that, right?
After marching forward for a good bit, the powder on the ground indicated it was once again time to descend from the mountaintop. My group determined that regardless of the Hare’s intentions, this would be our final trip down for the day. Ha Ha! What did we know? Leech’s path meandered down for a while, then up again, then down–and there was seemingly no logical place to exit this roller coaster. Good one, Leech!

As per usual, I was at the back of the pack. We’d been on trail for an hour and a half with no end in sight. Well, the end of daylight was fast approaching and that always makes me nervous. It took another thirty minutes to finally get off the mountain and back onto the pavement. Some of the group took a trike to Baloy but I was too stubborn to ride back. As it was, I was shortcutting a good 3K from Leech’s trail, which included another climb. Had I attempted that I’d be walking in the wilderness in the dark. No thanks!
I made it back to Da’Kudo’s on Baloy about five minutes before the circle activities began (I usually have close to an hour to drink up some free beer and eat something beforehand). Once again my bitch this week is that the trails are just too damn long for this time of year. Even with the shortcut I took, the sun was almost down when I arrived On-Home. I know I’m old and slow, but damn it’s getting ridiculous.

Alright, enough grumpiness. Except for being too long, I enjoyed being out there for most of it. I’ll try and do the part I missed tomorrow.
UPDATE: Well, that’s a hoot. I used the “Too much of a good thing” title back in May 2016. That post was all about me achieving a 25,000 step goal. And I did it on the flat ground of the Han River bike path. Ah, those were the days. Some nice pictures brought me a flood of memories as well.
Looks to have been a good hike, with plenty of varied terrain and scenery. And 9K through the mountains is no mean feat!
Enlarging and ogling pic #1, I’ve just figured out what’s in a hash for your young nubile female companions: female nubility. Folks of both genders do resistance exercise with the ultimate and usually coyly unstated goal of enhancing the primary sexual characteristics. For men, that’s chest and arm muscles and a very square jaw. For the ladies it’s tits and ass, hence the current yoga obsession in the western/rich world. Pert, hard, slimmed, glutes are the desired result, not peace of mind in a stressed out world. On your hashes, battling uphill and in so doing firming up the muscular skeletal form from the upper calves up to about the belly button, your female companions are not incidentally getting in shape. They are incidentally spending more off the clock overtime with their caucasian wallet army. But I’m sure you knew that.
Dan, what I hear you saying is do I enjoy watching those asses ahead of me while I’m struggling up a mountain? Why yes, yes I do!