Anyway, nothing to write home about, yet here I am.
Did my first run with the Manila Hash House Harriers. Nothing really remarkable about the trail, since it was pretty much a Subic Hare’s work. There were too many Hashers at the on-home to fit in the truck, so me and another Subic Hasher walked from Treasure Island out to the start of the short trail. The mountains were both on the long trail as it turns out, so we pretty much had a boring and flat 5K trail. But that’s okay, I got my steps in.
The circle was conducted at Hot Zone and the Manila rituals are similar to what we do, but there is no ice involved. To be honest it was kinda blah, mainly because I didn’t know any of the individuals being recognized. And again, with no women in the group, there weren’t even any pleasant distractions. Well, I take that back. We had four waitresses to serve our beers. And they all worked topless. Two of them were actually quite attractive. And I bought one of those two a couple of lady drinks and she sat pleasantly at my side for most of the proceedings. So there was that.
Went to Alley Cats after the Hash and the night ended on a sour note for me there. When will I learn? I certainly don’t have any room for bargirl drama in my life right now. Time for some new shit I suppose.
What else? Well, things can always be worse. Like this guy:

Speaking of fools and their money soon being parted, the thought of this guy getting the Democrat nomination is mind-boggling. But he appears to be on a roll.

Ah, the “tit for tat” title reminds me of this story from my working days. We were in a class about sexual harassment (not a how-to, but a not to) and the instructor was talking about the quid pro quo type of harassment. Someone in the class asked him what that meant and he responded, you know, tit for tat. We all cracked up even though he hadn’t intended his remark to be funny.
Ah well, time marches on and so do I. Time for an afternoon stroll.
Too bad about Warren. I guess he now stands as an example of how not to live one’s life.
Walk on!
RIP Canadian Warren. Got lost down the rabbit hole that is the Philippines. What’s that in his hands there, he rolling something to smoke?
Yeah, I wish I knew more about his story. Before he hit rock bottom he was known about town as a big spender. Not sure how everything fell apart for him here. Read this morning it was a heart attack that killed. Sister in Canada is making arrangements for cremation/transport home.
How recently did he die?
The day before yesterday…