Tired and alive

I’ll cop to being something of a wuss when it comes to being ill. This bout with whatever in the hell it is is no exception. It’s a congestion issue, starting a couple of days ago in the sinuses and now firmly embedded in my lungs. This means I’m coughing a lot and that certainly is an attention-getter during these troubled days of the pandemic.

Speaking of which, although some of my symptoms are similar to what I’ve read people with the coronavirus suffer, I’m reasonably certain I’m not one of them. No fever for one thing. And my cough is “wet” and full of phlegm. I do feel weak and tired, but I attribute that to a lack of sleep. Laying down exacerbates the cough. Last night I tried to stack my pillows so I could sleep in a more upright position but it wasn’t very comfortable. When I’m not coughing I’m wheezing. Ever tried to sleep with someone whistling in your ear?

Anyway, the helper bought me some kind of pill for the cough and I’m drinking lots of green tea with honey and lemon. I haven’t even stepped outside of the house today, just wanting to rest and let this illness run its course. I’m also sensitive about not selfishly spreading whatever it is to others.

I do expect I’ll recover and be back to blogging about my usual bullshit soon.

5 thoughts on “Tired and alive

  1. Does your choice of song reflect certain unspoken fears or something? Yikes.

    Anyway, get well soon. I agree: if there’s no fever, and your cough isn’t dry, then it’s almost certainly not COVID-19. Dry cough and fever are the two biggest symptoms. That said, it’s annoying to have difficulty breathing when you’re trying to sleep. How do you say “strong expectorant” in Tagalog? Meanwhile, taking a hot, steaming shower for thirty minutes can help loosen anything that might be deep in the lungs. Try it: you might end up coughing up all sorts of nasty green chunks into your shower’s drain.

  2. Reading this blog, it strikes me that you never seem to take a rest day. Rest days are crucial when you clock up the clicks you do. Get some more and regularly. And not just when you’re run down. Also, drink Guinness.

  3. John
    Please get better. Agree with Dan. Maybe you should take a rest day periodically.

  4. That shower tip is worth a try, it sounds good even without the cough!

    Thanks, guys. Had a better night last night and that feels like progress. As for taking a break–yeah, I had been pretty anal about reaching my daily step goal. Lately though, Sundays have become less intensive. In part because of the quarantine and also a default date day with Jessa. I guess I should just stop feeling guilty about it and call it a day of rest.

  5. John, this too shall pass.

    The trail awaits, but not until you are better. Stay strong!

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