Time passages

Ah, the joy and freedom of retired life. Where your time is your own to do with as you will. Of course, filling up all those vacant hours can be a chore in its own way I suppose. Here’s how I’ve been passing the time lately.

Darts. I believe I’ve mentioned that I’m trying to rededicate myself to the game. Jee Yeun had always been my biggest fan and supporter and when I lost her I also seemed to lose my passion for the game. But I figure if I’m gonna play in competition I owe it to myself to play up to my utmost capability. And so I have added a daily practice time at home to my routines.

Oddly enough I’ve had some really good practice sessions but they don’t seem to carry over to the tournaments. Played in a big money tourney on Saturday and finished a disappointing 7th place. Last night in a small singles tournament I also threw like crap and finished 4th. Well, I know my practice is not the cause of my poor play, that’s just a coincidence. I hope. Regardless, I’m going to keep after it and see if I can’t recapture some of the past glory days.

Walking. Hey, it’s what I do. Regular readers are probably getting bored with the recitations and photographs of my adventures in and around the streets of Barretto and neighboring jurisdictions. What can I say, it’s how I spend a lot of my time and some days it’s the only fodder I have for the blog. Oddly enough, I’m not really bored with the actual walks. It’s a good time to think about shit and listen to music on the headphones. It’s helped that I’m getting a bit more adventurous and exploring new paths, roads, and trails.

I’ve also got the social aspects what with doing the Monday Hash and the Wednesday Sausage Walkers, so there’s that. And I’ve been meeting and exceeding the goals I’ve set for myself. Last week I averaged over 26,000 steps a day. I think even in retired life you need that sense of satisfaction that comes with achievement. Or so I keep telling myself. That and I don’t want to get fat again.

Drinking. Now there’s something I excel at! I practice every single day, and I must be getting better at it, right? Seriously though, I’m not out of control. I mean, I see these guys at breakfast time ordering up beers and I’m always thankful I’ve committed to not being one of them. I don’t judge (much) but that’s just not the way I want to spend my daytime hours. One of the reasons I quit the Wednesday-Friday dart league is that the matches start at 2:00 p.m. And when I throw darts I drink. And I don’t like having a buzz on at five o’clock wondering “now what am I gonna do?”

Well, I have rejoined the Friday league and I do play in the Sunday tourney, both starting at 2. And quite honestly, I’m out drinking every other night of the week too. But I stick with low alcohol beer (San Mig Zero, 3% alcohol, 60 calories), although I do drink me quite a few bottles (usually 6+). Anyway, I don’t consider it a problem. I don’t get drunk drunk (i.e. falling down, out of control, acting ridiculous). Well, no more ridiculous than I act sober anyway. I very rarely ever drink at home, so it is primarily a social activity for me.

Take last night for instance. I was enjoying some time on board the Arizona floating bar, taking in the views and quaffing some brews as it were. Then a couple of Hash buddies (HIV and Demolition Derby) showed up and joined me for more beers and chat. It was a pleasant evening.
Okay, maybe sometimes I do get a little bit ridiculous.

Anyway, that’s how I’ve been filling some of the hours, however comfortably and well. I’ve got some other ideas bouncing about in my head and maybe they will come to fruition. Or at least a mildly interesting blog post. Stay tuned!

Look around me, I can see my life before me
Running rings around the way it used to be
I am older now I have more than what I wanted
But I wish that I had started long before I did
And there’s so much time to make up everywhere you turn
Time we have wasted on the way
So much water moving underneath the bridge
Let the water come and carry us away


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