Booked my flight and hotel for eight days in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I prefer the former name, but now it’s, sigh, gone. Sorry. The airport code is still SGN, so there’s that.
Anyway, it’s my virgin trip there and I’m really looking forward to getting drunk in different bars seeing new places. Actually, I have a couple of old friends from Seoul living there now, so it will be good to catch up and throw some darts with them again. Maybe I’ll even have something interesting to blog about for a change. Hey, it could happen!
Speaking of new scenery, I’m doing some very preliminary scouting work for a new trail next time I’m the Hash Hare. I extended my morning walk out to Barangay Calapacuan to see what I could see. I saw but didn’t do a mountain out that way this time, but I did walk some of the neighborhood streets and alleys. I have a lot more exploring to do, but my preliminary thinking is I can put together a nice hike with a combination of mountains, rice paddies, and backstreets. The only downside thus far is knowing we’d have to take the Hashmobile out to the starting point. I hate riding in that fucker but there ain’t much new to Hash in Barretto. We’ll see.

I enjoyed breakfast at home this morning before heading out to walk.

And finally, I came across this promotional video from Pan Am airlines touting the 1960’s Philippines. I would have liked to see that country because it is not much like that now.
Have fun in the ‘Nam! What are your travel dates?
September 3 through 11. Looking forward to visiting the country I did my best to avoid in 1973….