They love me. They really love me!

A good day at work.

Today was the last day I’ll put on a tie before going to work.

It was also the day of my “re-retirement” luncheon. The staff prepared team t-shirts for the occasion.

The Deputy G1, LTC Cooper was on hand to give some very kind remarks about my work with 8th Army.

And I was awarded the Superior Civilian Service Award…

Pinning on the medal…

Presenting the Certificate…

And then for one of the last times, the guests got paid to listen to me hold court. I was very thankful and appreciative for the recognition.

Then the staff presented me some going away gifts. I was very touched at their thoughtfulness…

I love this photo collage full of memories of the times we spent together.

….and they all left a little personal message for me as well.

What do you get a guy who doesn’t have much of a life outside of walking and drinking? Why, Hash gear of course!

My first personal patch! This was really special, although mentioning of my Hash name in an open restaurant with a mixed crowd was a tad uncomfortable. I prefaced my reading of the name with a mention of the Beatles song, so hopefully that worked…

A new Hash shirt that will definitely be put to use soon in Subic…

With a nice Hash House motto on the back!

A second shirt, with my name and my favorite beverage…On On!

Yet another personalized shirt, a nice Tagalog language book, and a shopping bag which according to the giver accurately depicts my Hash name….

It’s the people in your life that make a difference. And it is the people you will miss when you have moved far away. Hell, I miss them already and I’m not even gone!

5 thoughts on “They love me. They really love me!

  1. A truly well deserved award for all your hard work and some fantastic gifts from your colleagues, hope it doesn’t affect your packing arrangements!

  2. Hey Thirsty, good to hear from you. Yeah, my bags are bursting at the seams. No idea how overweight they are or what it’s gonna cost me, but oh well.


  3. well, i posted on the wrong posting of yours so let me try again. word to the wise-never try posting on a blog when you have been hanging out with johnny walker.

    More love than Sally Field ever got. I did love her in “The Flying Nun” series though. I am waiting on the edge of my seat for your stories from the P.I. You did a great job sharing your life in Korea with us over the years. At times it had me laughing and at times it made me sad but it was always undeniably real and honest. For that i thank-you and salute you Mr. Mcrarey. Peace out!

  4. Haha, saw your other comment and didn’t get the Sally Field reference. Makes sense now.

    Appreciate your readership and comments…

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