There is no “I” in team…

…but there is “me”. So, indulge me while I besiege you with 40 photos from this weekend’s off-site team building excursion to Byeonsan National Park way down south on the West Sea.

I got up early and baked some blueberry muffins to share with the team…

….made some brownies too. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself…

The team gathered to await the arrival of our chariot….

….which was right on time.

On the bus…

…and on the road.

Stopped at a scenic rest area along the way.

These rays have lost their sting no doubt…

The amazing staff members of the U.S. Eighth Army’s Directorate of Human Resources Management.

This quiet little village was the location for our lunchee meal.

It was bibimbap and Korean pizza, not my personal favorites, but I took one for the team.

We also hiked over to the local temple.

As Buddhist temples go, this one wasn’t all that impressive. The sign said it was original built in 633 and reconstructed in the 1500’s. I’ll have to take their word on that.

It was a nice walk getting there though.

A trail not taken. I’d say I saved it for another day, but my time in Korea is almost gone. A certain sadness permeated my weekend as I contemplated the ending of my life here.

Then it was off to the hotel at the Daemyung Resort. It was an impressive facility. I took this photo of the place from the top of a nearby mountain I hiked.

And this was the view from my room early on Saturday morning. I had been disappointed not to have a scored a sea view room, but this was very nice indeed.

After check-in we had individual free time prior to reconvening for dinner. I naturally used mine to hike around the area.

Saw some ocean…

…and some beaches…

….early signs of spring…

….a fishing boat harbor…

….and pledges of undying love written on sea shells. At Namsan the young lovers use padlocks. I doubt either would work for my sorry broken hearted ass…

I hiked from over there to up here. It was quite pleasant actually…

Oh, and I met this girl on the beach. We had some communication difficulty but I got the message she wasn’t interested in dating me. Heart of stone in that one…

We reconvened for the staff dinner at a mom and pop type restaurant in the neighborhood…

And enjoyed the thickest cut of samgyupsal I ever did see. And it turned out to be quite delicious….

Well, we were on a team building excursion. My Deputy and I had decided to forego the traditional team building exercises which we agreed were quite lame and did not translate well culturally. I still felt obligated to talk about the concept of “Team” and what it meant to be part of a successful one. I also reminded them that a team continues to function at a high level, regardless of who may depart that team. I know they will be fine without me and that they will ensure my replacement enjoys the satisfaction and success they have brought my professional life. What an honor it has been to lead them!

Back to the resort for the traditional after dinner beer bonding activity….

….which the team mastered quite well.

Saturday morning we gathered for a team hike up to a famous waterfall I can’t remember the name of and can’t be bothered to look up right now.

Here I demonstrate the concept of leading from behind…

Up, up and away…

It was quite beautiful as you can see…

The upper falls…

and the lower falls…

It was a pretty good hike, taking about an hour. I was glad to be in good enough shape to make it…

…and so did most of the rest of the team. And yes, a couple of my folks brought their kids along so that was a nice addition to the group.

And then it was time to head back to Pyeongtaek. The bus tried to leave without me, but I put a stop to that!

And thereby demostrated to the staff how not to use your head*.

No worries though. In due course I was resurrected which has allowed me to bring you the pleasure of this fine example of blogging. You are welcome!

46 days remaining.

*No one was actually injured in the creation of this post. I’ll do just about anything for a laugh.

7 thoughts on “There is no “I” in team…

  1. Have you ever encountered a cut of Samgyeopsal that wasn’t delicious? 😎

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