The Wild, Wild West…

Liberal gadfly and frequent commenter Carol (full disclosure: she is also Mrs. LTG) had some harsh words for bloggers and accused us of doing a disservice to the nation in our takedown of Eason Jordan. She was critical of my citing the Washington Times and suggested I consult a “real” source like the Wall Street Journal. Ok, how about this editorial from columnist Peggy Noonan:

“Salivating morons.” “Scalp hunters.” “Moon howlers.” “Trophy hunters.” “Sons of Sen. McCarthy.” “Rabid.” “Blogswarm.” “These pseudo-journalist lynch mob people.”

This is excellent invective. It must come from bloggers. But wait, it was the mainstream media and their maidservants in the elite journalism reviews, and they were talking about bloggers!

Those MSMers have gone wild, I tell you! The tendentious language, the low insults. It’s the Wild Wild West out there. We may have to consider legislation.

When you hear name-calling like what we’ve been hearing from the elite media this week, you know someone must be doing something right. The hysterical edge makes you wonder if writers for newspapers and magazines and professors in J-schools don’t have a serious case of freedom envy.

The bloggers have that freedom. They have the still pent-up energy of a liberated citizenry, too. The MSM doesn’t. It has lost its old monopoly on information. It is angry.

Please go read the whole thing. She has some wonderful insights on this new age of journalism and access to information.

Thanks Carol. You were right. The WSJ did a much better job here than the Times.

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