The more you pay (the more it’s worth)

I have my car back. All things considered it went as well as could be expected. Ji Young sent me a text message in Hangul explaining where the car was parked. I showed it to the garage owner who relayed the whereabouts to the tow truck driver. So as I suspected it was a bad alternator. Replaced that, the battery (again) and a belt. 203,000 Won including towing and the parking fee at Riverside Park. Hopefully it will keep the going for the rest of my time in Korea, but with almost 160,000 miles on odometer anything could happen at anytime. Doubt I will be taking it out of town again anytime soon. I used a garage off post this time, Kim’s Auto Repair. I recommend them.

Today Nolan and I toured the War Museum. First time for me too and I was very impressed. It was a good primer for our trip to the DMZ. Bought tickets for that yesterday. We are going up Saturday morning, 16 September. I think we will go to Insa-dong on Monday. Next weekend I’m planning to KTX down to Daegu or Busan. Mostly for the train ride, but I want him to see some of the beautiful Korean countryside.

Nolan wants to see a Muay Thai match while he is here. I know nothing about it really. Anyone know of an upcoming event?

1 thought on “The more you pay (the more it’s worth)

  1. Happy happy birthday to my baby boy. I hope you guys did something fun for his birthday. I thought you might have done a post but no such luck. A birthday with no carrot cake -poor baby. Well his sisters and I celebrated by calling each other and missing him terribly.

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