No real significance to the title of this post, just an old song by Traffic that came up on my new Spotify music app (fuck you YouTube!) while out walking this morning. Well, this post is mostly about Wednesday’s hike, so I guess that’s the connection. Let’s get to it!

From there we made our way around to Rizal Extension via the My Bitch trail. But that f’n thatch grass made what should have been an easy hike a real pain in the rear. Burn it down! Burn it all down!
So, we get to Rizal Extension and I had a decision to make. Do a second climb up a higher mountain or make my own way on back home via the familiar paved roads? Well, part of the reason I do Wednesday is to push myself out of my comfort zone, so despite my reservations I made my way on up. Damn it! Either there was no trail or the leader lost it, but before long we were winging it. Steep, overgrown, slippery in places. A freakin’ nightmare! I made it of course, but it kinda pissed me off. There are ways up that mountain that are challenging, but doable without being overly dangerous. Anyway, it was my decision to do it, so no one to blame but me.

I took a hard fall on the way back down but luckily there were no “impalers” in the area. And so ended another Wednesday Walkers adventure.
What other excitement do I have to share? Hmm, well I tried this new recipe for slow cooker salsa chicken I found on Instapundit.

I guess this is where I’d normally say something about politics, but I’m going to shit can that today.

Things aren’t totally back to normal, but they are getting there. I’m still waking up during the night and coming downstairs to check on things. I’m working with a guy on installing some cameras and maybe some motion sensors. Honestly though, I’ve made it so it is not that easy to break in now but you can’t stop a determined thief with locks alone. I just need to get to where I’m diligent but not paranoid.

That ought to scare them off!
If I gave you everything that I owned
And asked for nothing in return
Would you do the same for me as I would for you?
Or take me for a ride
And strip me of everything, including my pride
But spirit is something that no one destroys
And the sound that I’m hearing is only the sound
The low spark of high-heeled boys (heeled boys)
UPDATE: WTF? I specifically chose today’s title with the thought that I hadn’t ever used that one before. Nope. I had a “Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys” post way back in April of THIS year! Geez, I think I’m losing it.
Glad you managed to avoid impaling yourself. And that set of stairs looked pretty grim. I don’t envy you.
Also: I can’t un-see Lucky’s balls. Thanks.
I saw the title and I thought finally McCrarey will give us the lowdown on the Ladyboys in the PI. A little disappointed but seeing Lucky’s balls made up for it. BTW, a little lipstick, a wig and a g-string and Lucky could be a LadyDog. Peace Out!
Sorry Soju, I’m no expert on ladyboys (or Bakla as they are called here). I can report that Count Nicolas, the only Bakla bar in Barretto has now closed. Sorry to disappoint! 🙂