The lonely Hash

A little bit of a change up with yesterday’s Hash. A short trail (2.2 kms) and a long trail (5 kms). Both trails ended with a small bar hop before On-Home at Hot Zone.

Despite being a walker I opted for the long trail which is intended for those who run. When I started out I thought there were several other walkers joining me, but turns out it was just me and one other Hasher hoofing it. About half-way through he picked up speed and left me behind, so I was Hashing alone for the last hour or so. Fortunately, the trail was well-marked so I didn’t get lost. Still makes me nervous to be out in the wild with no backup around given my propensity for slips, trips and falls. Only blood I spilled though was getting my finger in a sticker bush, but that’s no biggie. Walking the long way did result in my being the last person back and missing the first two bars of the bar hop. Ah well, it was still a good day!

No map of the long trail I’m afraid. Luckily I have some photographs!

In a first for me, the Hares actually laid trail through my backyard. That was pretty cool…

But those nasty Hares also made me get my shoes and socks wet by wading through this shit creek. I’m pretty certain shit is amongst it’s slimy contents…

I much preferred taking this bridge on the return portion.

That would be me alone on the trail.

But it sure was pretty out there…and no rain this week! Woot!

People here may live poor lives but they are surrounded by beauty…

Coming down the mountain all by my lonesome. Steeper than it appears and slick with mud, rocks, leaves and grass. I survived!

Got back in time to enjoy a cold brew at the third of three bars on the bar hop…Crazy Horse.

Then we were On-Home at Hot Zone…

And once again I was not charged with any offense that resulted in sitting my bare ass on a block of ice. Thankfully!

In one of those “one door closes, and another opens” scenarios, Pubic Head’s girlfriend, Ice Queen introduced me to her friend Fucking Starfish. Not the cutest girl in town by a long shot, but she was friendly and definitely seemed interested. Perhaps one day we will Cum Together. It would be nice to have a Hash buddy next time so I won’t have to repeat the experience of being alone on the trail. We’ll see.

5 thoughts on “The lonely Hash

  1. I didn’t realize the Hash could go straight through private property like that, although I suppose farmland could be considered private property, and I’ve seen your pics of farmland Hashes. So who owns the farms in the PI? The farmers or the government? Or both?


  2. Kevin, yeah we walk through private property with apparent impunity. It freaks me out a bit in the squatter’s villages. We just go walking through like we own the place. Everyone seems friendly though. Except the dogs.

    Well, the farmers I think own the land they farm. Or they are farming it for the rightful owners. My sense is the government is not a big property holder here. From what I understand, the squatters have rights and it requires lengthy court proceedings to move them off your land once they have established themselves there.

    But people seem to be friendly to us Hashers as we meander through…

  3. commenting to back up kevin…no more male asses please.
    buddy is still MIA I take it?
    you need to take a breath mate, you cant retire, relocate and find the future Mrs long time gone in the first month. Hash going through your property, did you use the facilities of grab a beer on the way through?

  4. Fair points, Thirsty. I will restrict future ass photos to those of the female gender.

    Been almost two months now, but I get your point. Will try and chill out and focus on what I have, not what I’m missing.

    Well, my house was ten minutes into the Hash so there was no need this time. I’d definitely offer it up as a beer stop in the future though…

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