A busy day in store, so here’s a brief post to tide you over until I’m back.
Swan and I enjoyed some pre-dinner drinks at The Green Room before our dinner date with the neighbors. I played a game of pool and got my ass handed to me by our waitress, Chu. She’s an outstanding player, so I can take some comfort in that.
At the appointed hour (6:30), we arrived at our dining venue, the Hops and Brews Beer Garden.

I was surprised to see my other neighbor, Martin, was also there with his bride. Martin is only in town a few days each month (he works in Manila), so it was good to catch up. So, all the residents of Bryce Street were together in the Beer Garden. What are the odds of that?

Jeff is just home from a holiday visit to Texas, and he brought an interesting table game back with him. So, after our meal we all dived in.

When we had all had enough, we headed for Bryce Street. No trike for us, we hitched a ride with Martin and Joss. It was a good night out on the town.

I also got a congratulatory message from my Fitbit app:

Eight years ago, I had just returned to Korea from a visit to the Philippines where I had suffered a couple of severe breathing attacks.

The good news is I’m breathing great these days. Haven’t used my nebulizer in months.
Three years ago, I posted this poem on Facebook:
Where are you hiding my love?
Each day without you will never come again.
Even today you missed a sunset on the ocean,
A silver shadow on yellow rocks I saved for you,
A squirrel that ran across the road,
A duck diving for dinner.
My God! There may be nothing left to show you
Save wounds and weariness
And hopes grown dead,
And wilted flowers I picked for you a lifetime ago,
Or feeble steps that cannot run to hold you,
Arms too tired to offer you to a roaring wind,
A face too wrinkled to feel the ocean's spray.
--James Kavanaugh
And as regular readers know, I have finally found her!
Today’s YouTube video is a nice tour of the Subic Bay Freeport Zone (aka SBMA or the old Navy base). I visit weekly for shopping and occasionally for dining. If I had a car, I’m sure I’d visit more often. And yes, I’ve hiked through that area with the horse stables.
To the humor then:

Alrighty then, I’ve got the Friday group hike to do this morning. And then, at 2:00 p.m., we have the annual Hash leadership meeting. When the meeting is done, I’ll meet Swan at It Doesn’t Matter, where the Hash girls will hang out during our Hash business. Hence, it is now or never to get a post up today, and by golly, I’ve done it!
So, all the residents of Bryce Street were together in the Beer Garden.
I guess it’s nice that the gang’s all here.
Swan and I shared this grilled meat platter.
Looks good if a bit carby.
and he brought an interesting table game back with him.
Is this the “wooden-horse-race derby”?
Where are you hiding my love?
With no vocative comma in his sentence, Person A is asking Person B where Person B is hiding his love, i.e., Person C. If Person A were addressing his love directly, asking where she’s hiding, it would be:
Where are you hiding, my love?
James Kavanaugh needs to learn proper punctuation. Or maybe he really was tracking down a kidnapper.
Is this the “wooden-horse-race derby”?
You know, I never heard the name of the game, but that sounds spot-on. I thought it was cool how the horses were “handicapped” based on the frequency with which their number is commonly rolled (for example, horse #7 needs several more hits to reach the finish line than #3 does). Fun game!
Here’s some background on James Kavanaugh, a poet whose work I’ve always enjoyed. Nothing in there about his future wife having been kidnapped. I went and double-checked to make sure I hadn’t messed up when I transcribed his poem, and nope, he left out that comma. And then I came across this article about the Top Ten Authors Who Ignored The Basic Rules Of Punctuation, and Kavanaugh didn’t make the list. You might also enjoy this one about punctuation marks loved and hated by famous writers.
It is good to know I’m not the only fuck-up out there!