Another Saturday has come and gone. We did another hike to the Subic marketplace to stock up on sweets for the upcoming Candy Walk. Nothing special about that anymore. The highlight was visiting the Kokomo’s floating bar on Baloy Beach for this season’s grand re-opening. We followed that event with dinner at Treasure Island and enjoyed listening to a band called Star Network for the first time. All in all, a good day.
The walk to the market is so routine as to be boring, so I wasn’t motivated to take many photos. But I can’t resist those funeral banners for some reason:

Next up, a walk to the beach!

It was good to enjoy some time on the water again. I assume it was so crowded because it was opening night and also Saturday night. Lots of big spenders were on board, plying the staff with lady drinks. Several of the gals were stumbling around drunk. It was a bit different vibe, but Tuesdays were always my Kokomo’s day, and I expect things will feel more like normal next week.
Then it was dinner time. TI has live music every Saturday, but on previous visits, it was the Engine band playing. Last night’s group featured three female singers and a different sound. I enjoyed hearing them play, which is not always the case with bar bands.

A trike ride home and some sugar-free pudding to end the evening. Speaking of sugar-free, my order of sugar-free sugar was delivered yesterday:

Some memories:

Today’s YouTube video is from a guy I’d never seen before. So many of my fellow expats seem clueless. We all have to find our way in life, and sometimes, that’s the hard way.
How about a taste of some nasty humor today?

Soon, I will be heading out for my usual Sunday routine. I’ll start by feeding the Hideaway girls, and then I’ll have a Sunday dinner with Swan. This was posted on Facebook:

I will be back with more of my drivel tomorrow.
And the “first time hearing” video:
Romeo was seven years younger than me when he passed. Sorry to Juliet for her loss.
The English on that banner is a bit shaky. If you end up with such a banner, have Swan make sure the thing says exactly what you want it to say, no typos. (Not that you personally would care at that point. Maybe, in the sight of heaven, such errors are merely amusing.) But this caught my eye: “Love is share bonds are strengthered.” I’m guessing that’s really supposed to be “Love is shared; bonds are strengthened.” And “faith is stored” makes faith sound like either fat or data. “Faith is restored”…?
Thelma was four years older. Hope Louise is okay.
Maybe it was just Thelma’s “elbo” that died. See? Now I’m getting as bad as you.
Swan wants to use it for her cheesecake recipe. We’ll see how that works out.
Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that doesn’t affect your blood sugar (supposedly). It has that weird “cooling” effect on the tongue that spearmint has. Some people find that off-putting. I’ve found that it works just fine as a sweetener in things like hot tea, and it’s generally safer to use than Splenda (sucralose) or Equal (dextrose, maltodextrin, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium) or Sweet’N Low (saccharin). Not that any of these other sweeteners is harmful except in ungodly huge amounts, but erythritol is certainly one of the most innocuous of the sweeteners. If you can get past the “cooling” effect, that is.
What an asshole!
You need to visit YouTube and look up all the un-PC Skeletor meme/joke compilations. Those are hilarious. I slapped one video up on my blog a month ago.
Yep, the wording on that banner was the worst I’ve seen. It would be almost funny if the subject weren’t so serious. The family should have just said what they wanted in Tagalog.
Sorry, I’m not getting the “elbo” reference. Help me out.
I still have not had a taste of the erythritol. The spearmint cooling you describe doesn’t sound that appetizing, but perhaps it’s not as noticeable after baking. That shit ain’t cheap, so we’ll find out soon enough, I suppose.
Never really been a Skeletor fan, but I do enjoy a good pun. I’ll check it out, thanks!
On that banner, Thelma’s last name is Elbo.
Geez, I’m such a dumbass. Answer was staring me right in the face…