Yesterday I watched my first Filipino film, a movie called Miss Granny. Here’s the trailer:
I’m not going to write a review. I’ll just say that the movie was entertaining overall, cute and sappy in places, full of plot holes, but still enjoyable. Throughout the film I kept thinking that it was very similar to watching a Korean drama. So I had to laugh when I was doing the Google search for the above linked trailer and discovered that the movie is in fact a remake of a 2014 Korean movie of the same name. Go figure.
We saw the movie at Harbor Point Mall on the old Navy base and afterwards dined at a new Korean BBQ joint on the Riverwalk outside the mall.

Had the pork galbi and it was surprisingly good. I’ll definitely be back next time I get the hankering for some grilled Korean meat. They also featured a bulgogi dish that looked great on the menu, but said it served 3-4 persons. Need to bring some friends along for that…
So, who is this “we” I’m talking about?

Marissa took a night off work to join me. That’s about the first time she has done anything to make me think she likes me. Or maybe she just likes movies. One of those….
Honestly, the date night was especially unlikely because Marissa had broken up with me (via text) while I was in Angeles City. I was pretty confused about her reasoning (other than the fact that I had always assumed she just wasn’t really into me). Her message said she was “embarrassed” to be my girlfriend and she accused me of being a “player”. Well, okay then. I asked for some elaboration so I might have some insights into what I had done wrong but she went silent after that.
Now, in my long history of failed relationships I had never had any woman profess to be embarrassed to be with me. And as to being a player, well, I’m about as opposite of being a player as you can get. Hell, two night in Angeles and I didn’t even visit one girly bar. I must be the kind of player who has no game I guess. I came to find out later that this photo was the culprit:

To me, it is an innocent selfie shot of the Hashers riding the Jeepney out to the trail head. To Marissa it was evidence that I was coupled up with that gal sitting next to me in the Jeep. Apparently because we have the same hat (as do all the other Subic Hashers). Yes, typical insane Filipina jealously which I have little tolerance for. But hey, at least she cares!
So, I had a dart tournament on Tuesday which is also a day that Marissa works in Alley Cats where I play. She came in and made a big show of ignoring me. I put up with it for awhile, then I had the waitress send her over a beer. That put her in a tough spot. She works for customer drink commissions so she couldn’t really decline the drink. At first she sat at the bar drinking it, but of course that’s not appropriate either (the customer is paying for the company that comes with the beer). She finally came over and clinked her beer bottle against mine, said thanks for the drink, and went back to bar. I guess one of the other waitresses shamed her into doing the right thing, because after a bit she came and sat down on the stool beside me. Still not talking and her body language made clear she didn’t want to be there.
I started pushing Marissa to talk about the meaning behind her breakup words and she said she didn’t want to talk about it. I let it go, and bought her another beer. Other people at our table were having fun and we started joining in some. By the end of the night we were sharing some laughs. As I left, I thanked her for a good time and she said this was a much better way to end things. I agreed.
I had dart league on Wednesday, a day Marissa is not scheduled to work. So I was surprised when she walked in. I asked her if she was working and she said “no, I just came to see you play”. Hmm. Well, we had another good afternoon and I guess I might have asked her if she wanted to get together sometime. She said let’s see a movie tomorrow. Aren’t you working? She responded it was a slow night anyway. And so that’s how the date came about.
So, where do things stand now? Damned if I know. The truth is our communication barrier remains an issue and honestly we just don’t have a whole lot of common interests. We did have a nice dinner and movie date and I could see myself enjoying her company now and again. Just passing the time, however comfortably and well. One day at a time and all that.
What else?
And this pretty much captures my state of being:
What’s next?
Well, you’re not a player, but you’re a flirt, and you take pics of women’s asses! To a certain type of female mind, these relatively harmless traits are no different from being a player. I’m not saying I agree with that type of female mind, but if a woman is insecure and jealous, she’ll overthink everything, and the result is more trouble for you.
If Marissa gets huffy but refuses to explain her words and actions, that’s a warning sign. Women supposedly stress openness and communication, and when a woman isn’t open and doesn’t communicate, it could mean she’s simply operating on emotion with no attempt at rationality, i.e., there’s no real substance behind her huffiness, and she doesn’t want that fact revealed through dialogue. If there’s no substance, then what she’s doing is on the level of an attention-seeking drama queen, which is a toxic personality to be avoided, not least because it’s immature. Are you looking for a girl, or for a woman?
Honestly, I don’t think she’s worth the trouble. And given the wearily pendular nature of this particular “relationshit” (to borrow Dane Cook’s term), I’d wager the whole thing is going nowhere fast.
I’m not sure what you mean by a “communication barrier.” Is her English not up to par? Or is her personality so mysteriously “out there” that it’s as if you’re both speaking different languages? Why is it so damn hard to make clear what you both want out of this whatever-it-is? If Marissa seems jealous and accusatory based on a mere photo, why does she seem to show a lack of interest the rest of the time? There’s a lot here that I don’t understand, but maybe that’s partly because I’m not involved in serial relationships, so I have no practice and no wisdom.
Anyway, yeah: questions. Lots of questions.
Kev, lots to unpack here and honestly I’ve got some of the same questions.
Yep, I’m definitely a flirt. It’s what I do, it gives me pleasure, and I ain’t changing. So if a gal can’t accept that we won’t get too far.
I hate to stereotype, but Filipinas are generally noted for being insecure and jealous. In a twisted kind of way, Marissa’s jealousy was at least an indication that she cares. I still don’t like it though.
At this point I have no illusions about Marissa being “the one”. It’s more of a someone to spend some time with kind of thing. Things could get better I suppose and if they get worse I won’t have any trouble just walking away.
I think the communication issues are not about language, probably more of both of us trying to play it safe. We have similar baggage from past relationships that I think we may tend to project onto each other. But then again, I’m speculating. I honestly don’t know what is going on inside that head of hers most of the time.
The sex is good and we have some laughs now and then. I reckon that satisfices for the time being.
LOL I remember seeing the Korean version of that movie on one of my many plane rides between the US — ROK.
I may have to watch the Phillipino version for the heck of it.