The best laid plans

The Democrats in Congress who are so terrified of victory in Iraq, have put strings on the supplemental appropriation to fund the Global War on Terror. In essence, they say the will only provide funding for our troops if the President agrees to surrender no later than December 2008. The President has rightly rejected this unacceptable defeatist proposal.

So, as things stand now the Army will run out of money in late February. As it is wont to do, the Army in now engaged in making plans for that contingency. My part in that is working up the scenarios involved in furloughing the civilian employees in the Korea theater of operations. It won’t be pretty, in fact it would have disastrous consequences on our ability to meet mission requirements and of course on the individuals have grown accustomed to being paid every two weeks. Similar impacts would occur in Army commands world wide.

As part of the planning process it was my “joy” to participate in a VTC with the Pentagon at 0400 this morning. I will also be involved with a briefing to the CG next week. Serious stuff.

We are just planning. Nothing is imminent. My sense is that once the liberal members of Congress see the devastating impact of their political pandering they will step back from the brink of disaster. In the meantime I and many others will be engaged in a lot of pointless (but necessary) work brought about by our cowardly and incompetent political “leaders” in Congress.

Another sad reminder that while our military cannot be beaten on the battlefield, wars can be and are lost on the homefront. I am sickened by the chickenshit bastards who put short-term political considerations above the needs of the men and women who sacrifice so much in defense of our freedom.

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and their minions represent the last best hope for our terrorist enemies. Here’s hoping their schemes for the defeat of the United States are unsuccessful.

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