Teed off

It occurred to me that there are two days in the week that begin with a “T,” and it just so happens that both of these are the only days with seven letters. Can I substitute Thursday for Tuesday? Well, as a matter of fact, that’s just what I did!

Having spent Tuesday in Manila instead of engaging in my normal routines for that day, some things didn’t get done. So, I filled in those gaps yesterday, starting with a trip to the supermarket in Olongapo. We had stopped at the S&R store in San Fernando on the way home from Manila, but we couldn’t find all that we needed there, so off we went to get what was missing.

(I still haven’t got my laptop repaired; I’m waiting for a part to be delivered. Just now, the “see” and “vee” keys, which had been intermittent, have stopped working altogether. The missing letters you see in this sentence were filled in by spellcheck. Worse, without the control “see,” I cannot insert links to things I want to share. I’m hoping to have the needed repairs done by Tuesday, but until then, I’m handicapped, and blogging is going to be incomplete and difficult. UPDATE: Swan just showed me how to copy and paste using the mouse. Duh!)

The video from S&R was supposed to go here. And here it is now that this old dog has learned a new trick. The video sucks, but the good news is I was able to edit its length on YouTube: baby steps, but progress.

I walked back home from Olongapo. Here is some of what I saw along the highway:

Departing the YBsee supermarket in Olongapo
The entrance to SBMA
No shopping for us this week at Royal
Crossing the river formerly known as “shit.”
Where the dead dwell

I did a brief video of this portion of the hike that I would have posted here. If the keys start working again, I’ll insert it later. And now here it is thanks to the magi of cut and paste:

Still holding the camera too low, but in my defense, I was trying to watch my footing so as not to trip and fall in front of oncoming traffic.

A bay view
Art on the wall
That may be the stairway to heaven on the right
The new road down to the village of Bantay Bayan is almost complete.
That’s Barretto on the far shore across the bay
Hillside living

I made another video as I walked through Barretto:

Hold the camera up, you idiot! Sorry, I need to get off my ass and order a GoPro. I will soon, I promise! If you make it that far, I had a fun encounter with Mama along the way.

The back way to Alta Vista
That other world
In the ‘hood again
And home at last
7.11 kilometers from start to finish

The other Tuesday activities we did yesterday were putting Swan’s toes in the sand, visiting the floating bar, and having dinner at Treasure Island.

Look at that smile!
A banka boat owner acquaintance of Swan
Baloy Long Beach
Our destination. We arrived during a brief rain shower.
The view on arrival
No sunset because of the see-louds
A busy day on the floater. I saw one guy buy all the girls (ten of them) a bottled lady drink at 350 pesos each two times. Good to see the two-week millionaires buying, so I don’t have to.
As we arrived we saw someone out swimming in the bay, then he boarded the floater. Turned out to be my hiking buddy, Stephen
A ship heading out to sea
The ladies earning those lady drinks

Then it was back ashore for a meal at Treasure Island.

I went with the beef enchiladas. I had one for dinner and brought the other home for breakfast
And I managed to finish under budget
By the dawn’s early light

I woke up this morning to the view above and a message from Swan on my desk:

Ain’t she sweet?

And inside, she had written a poem, especially for me:

Roses are red
violets are blue
Your farts burn my eyes
But I still love you

I’m a lucky man!

And Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers, or as I tend to say, Happy VD!

That should be everyone

And now for those Facebook memories:

Nine years ago, I briefly tried courting this lass. She’s happily married these days, and I’m happy for her.
Last year, we celebrated VD at John’s place. Little did we know he would not be around this year. That’s him in the background. We will be dining there again this evening.

Today’s YouTube is a new walkthrough of the Barretto nightlife scene. A bar that meets the needs of everyone is there if you look for it.

And to the humor we must go:

I don’t want to jump to conclusions
Soldier on, then!
It is always strange to see one of my stolen jokes appear in print. Still funny, though

Damn, this post was really a struggle with my faulty keyboard. I’ll keep posting, but I may limit myself some until the repairs are completed. Or maybe I’ll just leae out the letters that don’t work and let y’all figure out what omes net. Or maybe not.

Damn, that song was so painful I couldn’t finish—too many memories.

5 thoughts on “Teed off

  1. That highway walk does look like it sucks. Traffic doesn’t seem like it is moving too fast, but I guess it would be fast enough if one of those cars hits you.

  2. UPDATE: Swan just showed me how to copy and paste using the mouse. Duh!

    There’s a whole world of right-click options out there.

    I’d have suggested learning a few basic HTML commands, which is how I do boldface, italics, and link insertion in your comments section, but HTML doesn’t solve the C/V problem.

    Art on the wall

    I like it! More like this, please.

    I went with the beef enchiladas.

    For a second, I thought you’d gone crazy and ordered pig brains.

    A bar that meets the needs of everyone is there if you look for it.

    But is there a bar for us people who don’t enjoy bars?

  3. But is there a bar for us people who don’t enjoy bars?

    I think it is called the Nogo Bar.

    Yeah, those right-click options will come in handy, even after my keyboard is repaired. In the meantime, I’m getting better at fooling spellcheck into correcting words with missing letters. For example, “klik” got me the click I wanted.

    Are pig brains really a thing? I’ve seen monkey brains before, which were a big no thank you!

  4. Brian, the worst part is the assholes who encroach into the tiny shoulder on turns. Stay in your lane, damnit! Anyway, it is a rare walk for a reason.

  5. My mom had a Vietnamese friend who invited us over to her house for a lunar-new-year party. One of the dishes was pig brains with peppercorns. The brains had been cooked, then chilled, and they were about as gross as you’d imagine they were. I agree: no, thanks. That said, I’ll try anything once.

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