Yesterday was a stay-at-home day. Well, Swan joined me for a 6K walk on the streets of Matain and Calapacuan, where she sweetened the day of the kids we encountered.

Back home to do my usual chores passions like blogging, and then settled into the comfort of not having (or wanting) to go out. Netflix loaded on my TV for a change, and I am now progressing into the final season of “Shameless.” Beer o’clock rolled around, and upstairs I did go.

I am working on it. Swan and my helper Teri are removing temptations (they took my ice cream supply downstairs), and I’m doing my best to avoid those foods that brought me to this sad condition. The bad news is I’m not feeling well, which may or may not be related to my obesity. I had to abort my participation in the group hike this morning because I had a breathing attack during the first easy climb. I don’t know what to make of that. If I can’t walk, I’m screwed, and for now, efforts like HIIT (high-intensity interval training) are beyond my capability. I’m going to do my best and see what happens.

So, a quiet but nice night at home. And up with the morning sun to make the best of a new day.

Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: What did you do in your first month of retirement after working for over 30 years?
A: After leaving my office for the last time, I went straight to the airport and caught a plane to the Philippines. I spent my first month of retirement settling in to my new lifestyle. Found an apartment to rent short time while I looked for a house, joined the dart league, took up hiking and hashing, and making new friends. Over four years later, I’m still going strong and enjoying my new life of freedom from work.
Humor me this:

And that’s all I’ve got for today.
Have some lovely, gigantic seafood salads with some sort of mayo-based, creamy dressing (pref. homemade so as to be able to exclude sugar: the bottled stuff is sugary unless it’s oil and vinegar). Very low carb. Feels sinful, but dietary fat doesn’t translate to body fat. Use Old Bay seasoning to accent the seafood. Delicious.
Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis (Riker and Troi in “The Next Generation”) are a hilarious couple. If you watch them in interviews, you’d think they were married to each other, but they each have their own spouses who condone their on-set behavior. They are, per the slang, “work husband” and “work wife.” In interviews, they lovingly interrupt each other (with Marina doing the majority of the interrupting), and they finish each other’s sentences. You almost have to wonder whether anything more happened behind the scenes (nudge-nudge). Whatever the dynamic, the two have always had great chemistry, and it showed in “Picard” Season 3.
Enjoy the final season of “Shameless.” Watch them lungs!
Yeah, that salad suggestion sounds good. I could go for a roast chicken topping as well. Definitely in my future!
True confession: although I enjoy the memes, I haven’t watched “The Next Generation” series. The romantic tension between Frakes and Sirtis sounds fun. I’ll have to see if I can find that show here.
Yep, just three more “Shameless” episodes to go now. It’s been quite the ride. Sometimes it goes a little over-the-top with the family shenanigans, but I’ve gotten so close to the characters these past ten seasons that I always want to see what happens next.
I’ll be looking forward to a series review. You’re watching the US version, right? Have you seen any of the original UK version, just for comparison’s sake?
I’ll share my thoughts, but I don’t have your reviewer skills. Nope, I have yet to see any of the British series.