Sunday no Funday

Yep, one of those kind of days. Things got off to a crappy start around 1 a.m. when I woke up with a toothache. Well, not exactly a toothache–the pain seemed to be emanating from the hole left behind when I had a tooth pulled a couple of years ago. Got up and took some aspirin and was eventually able to fall back to sleep.

Then, a little after 3 a.m. I was again awakened; this time by my window blinds tapping against the glass. It seems my fan was positioned in such a way that the wind it generated was hitting the blinds and creating enough noise to be irksome.

The culprit fan.

So, to eliminate the noise I sleepily reached out intending to turn the fan away from the window. It didn’t end well.

Somehow, my pinky finger went through the fan cover screen and whacked my intruding appendage. Hurt a lot worse than it looks. Bled a lot too.

Needless to say, there was no more sleep for me that night. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, but I felt like shit all day yesterday. After doing my dog walk, I didn’t have the energy to do my regular walk. I decided I’d walk in the afternoon instead, so I took a nap. The afternoon came and went and all I accomplished was another nap. I had promised a friend I’d take her to see the Central Park Reef hotel rooftop restaurant/pool area. I maybe should have canceled but didn’t want to disappoint her. She also needed some gas money (yeah, gasoline prices have gone through the roof here too) so I felt obligated to show up.

I got there a little early so snapped a couple of photos.

Another beautiful afternoon on the bay.
I even managed to catch a glimpse of Easter mountain off in the distance.

My guest arrived and was very delighted with the views from the rooftop. We had some beers and I ordered a couple of appetizers. She had forewarned me that because she has work early in the morning she wouldn’t be spending the night with me. That was fine with me, I wasn’t in the mood for sex anyway. See? I told you I wasn’t feeling well! And actually, I’d like to stay focused on getting Jenny to give me a try. My friend last night is not a long-term option.

And then the band started playing. Maybe because it was Sunday it wasn’t that loud ass out-of-tune rock music, instead, they played a set of folk songs. Even more surprisingly, they played well and the vocal harmonies were outstanding. I rarely enjoy live performances by amateur groups, but these guys were quite pleasant. After their first set, they left the stage and came around to the individual tables to play. When they got to ours I told them they reminded me of Peter, Paul, and Mary (even though they were all guys). Without further prompting they broke into Puff the Magic Dragon, and did a nice job with it.

Enjoyed it, guys!

I was fading fast so I said it was time to go. My guest insisted on driving me home. As we were leaving, “Jenny” came walking in with some guy. That was weird on many levels. I think she was just as surprised as I was. Anyway, we chatted later and it’s all cool. I hope.

A good night’s sleep and I am feeling 82% better this morning. That’s a good thing because it is Hash Monday. Hope I’m up for it.

As seen on my morning dog walk. It looks like it is going to be a fine day.
I treated myself to breakfast at Sit-n-Bull this morning. As usual, it was excellent. I was also pleasantly surprised when Jenny agreed to join me. Progress!

And that brings y’all up to date on my so-called life. Boring as it may be to read about, I’m not complaining. Much.

I have the freedom to be lonely!

3 thoughts on “Sunday no Funday

  1. Well being alone doesn’t always mean you are lonely unless you long for a company…and I think u are better off alone than hurt…😍 Lonesome doesn’t mean you are free, it only mean you are independent…but nature tell us we need someone to survive…hmmmm..or let’s say, ” no man is an island”….whatever!

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