Well, I did get out and about some yesterday. I did some window shopping here on base trying to get an idea of what I will have to spend out of pocket to equip my villa (apartment really, but that’s the local term of art for an apartment in a building with 4 or fewer floors). I will need to purchase bed linens, towels, dishes, pots and pans, cooking utensils, microwave, gas grill, TV, and a DVD player. Plus everything I have not thought of yet, but will when I need it. So depending on how much I decide to spend for the TV I am looking at between $1500 and $3500. Ouch. Mrs. LTG is going to send some extra linens and towels and my Ansel Adams prints for the walls, but that will take 8 weeks or so to arrive. Regardless, I am very excited about moving day this Friday.
Came back to the hotel and worked on my Korean using my flash cards. Acquired a few new words, so I walked into to Itaewon to try them out. There are many different types of drinking establishments, and you have to exercise due caution in the ones you choose to patronize. Obviously the ones that USFK has declared off-limits are out. Those are the places that sell sex along with the booze. Not off limits but still to be avoided in my view are the ones where a pretty Korean woman sits with you at the bar and chats you up, then sweetly asks if you will buy her a drink. A drink that costs 20,000 WON (about $20). That’s expensive company, and I am not THAT lonely!
So far, I have found two places that are comfortable, where you can sit and have a beer or two in a friendly atmosphere with no strings attached. I mentioned the 3 Alley Pub previously. The other bar is called Sweet Caroline’s (and yes, they do have the Neil Diamond song of that name included amongst a pretty eclectic mix of English language music they play). Last night was my third visit and I am starting to feel like a regular. They call me “the professor”. Go figure.
The first time I went there I met some folks from Great Britain who were hilarious and really fun to hang out with. I always carry a few of my flash cards to check my pronunciation and the bartender has been getting into her role as school teacher. I reciprocate by teaching her English idioms (she has a good command of basic English). For example, I was learning my animal names last night: chwee (mouse), kaw-yang-ee (cat), ke (dog). I then explained to Mi-soon (the bartender’s name) the meaning behind such things as “playing cat and mouse” and “fighting like cats and dogs”. She had never heard those phrases and really got a kick out of it.
I think I’m viewed as somewhat eccentric because I eat the popcorn they serve with chopsticks. Hey, gotta practice, practice, practice. They also make fun of my beer belly (good naturedly I hope), which is a pretty good motivator for me to really focus on losing some weight. Speaking of beer, I have sampled 3 of the popular Korean brands; OB, Hite, and Cass. All pretty good, all light pilsners. I am leaning towards making Cass my beer of choice.
A Sergeant Major named Sergio came in last night. He had been in my new arrivals training but we had not really had a chance to talk. It was his first visit to Sweet Caroline’s and they made him feel right at home, giving him the nickname “Valentino”. Interesting guy. Been in the military 27 years and has traveled the world, although this was his first time in Korea. It was pretty cool encountering a familiar face and I enjoyed chatting with him. We walked back to the base together in plenty of time to stay out of curfew trouble. But damn it was COLD. Around 20 degrees and the wind was blowing like it does in Chicago. It’s 14 this morning.
Anyway, it was a nice night out and I think I needed the social interaction. Thanks to all who expressed concern for my well-being. There are always going to be good days and bad days. Sometimes being isolated on base and in this hotel just exacerbates the loneliness and longing for home. But, I have a positive outlook and I really am enjoying learning about this fascinating country and its people. Even when it is hard and I’m feeling blue, I do not regret my decision to come. I know that once I have moved I will be much more comfortable with my situation.
I really want to check out the electronics market and do some cost comparisons with the BX. It is close to the base, but in an area I have not ventured out to as yet. I just wish it weren’t so damn cold out. I have the car now, but parking is a nightmare and frankly I get a little freaked driving in unfamiliar territory. If I know where I’m going I can manage it, but this is not the kind of city I want to get lost in. We’ll see.
Alright then, that’s what I’ve been up to. Now, let’s see if I can’t find some interesting political issue to write about. 🙂
You could be the lonliest person ever created and yet I would highly reccomend you avoid buying drinks for pretty or even unpretty Korean females! Get my drift?
yes dear, I get it…..
Sorry baby it was the hormones talking. Of course I meant every word of it.
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