It started raining yesterday about two hours prior to the start of the Hash. I was worried about how well the powder I had laid on trail would hold up but there was nothing to be done about it and after about 45 minutes the skies cleared.
As the Hare I didn’t actually walk the trail with the Hashers (other than the first kilometer as I made my way home to man the beer check). But I got good feedback that the trail was well-marked and easy to follow. That was one of my main goals. Several others came to me to compliment the trail and to say they enjoyed the hike. The only real complaint I heard was about the long trail portion I added being boring. Yeah, that’s legitimate. All flat and on roads through subdivisions for the most part. The runners wanted distance and I gave it to them. Too bad if it was not challenging enough. Oh, and I did have a couple of people say the trail was harder than they expected it to be. I’m not sure how to take that, maybe they think I’m a wimp?
Bottom line, no one got lost and no one got hurt. I’ll take that any day! One of the Hashers posted photos from the hike on the SBH3 Facebook page. Let me share some of them here:

Speaking of the runners, I was really quite impressed. The Hash started at 3:30. I got back to my place to man the beer check at 4:00. I estimated I might see the first runner come by at 4:45, but I was wrong about that. A female (don’t know her name) came trotting by at 4:30 and didn’t break stride for a cold drink. Her partner was a couple of minutes behind her. So that’s 8K + on terrain that including two climbs and a fairly steep downhill in one hour. Good job!

Not bad for a rookie, eh?
And a good time was had by all. Well done! When do you Hare next?
I’m not on the schedule to Hare again right now. I’ll be two weeks in Korea soon. When I return I’ll start the scouting a trail process. Once I have something in mind I’ll sign up to Hare again…
Looks like it worked out well. Great post, wonderful weather. Meanwhile 0430, 20 May on my mountainside in Colorado Springs with 4″ of wet snow and still snowing.
Yeah, I’m not missing winter weather, that’s for sure…
John, Looks like you are no longer a Hare virgin. Next one should be even easier. LOL
Yeah, I did actually enjoy being the Hare. Haven’t signed up to Hare again yet, but I’m scouting around for my next trail. Problem is we are heading into rainy season so I’ll need to factor that in to the equation.